Cubase 4 problem recording.


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
Hey, recently bought Cubase 4 after a problem with Cubase Sx3 but I'm still having the same problems as Sx3.

When I record the guitars There is a fade in for no reason on the track, I don't seem to have anything activated that can do that. If I stop playin when I start again it fades in,its complealty ruining The power of the chord.

It also muddys fingerpicked riffs Quieting the bass note but pushing the other notes and with an acoustic guitar riff it will compleatly cut out quit parts of the riff but leave chords or any string played harsh.

Any advice on fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated,thanks.
Is it at the beginning of each take or each time you hit a chord? If it is at the beginning of the take then you may some auto-fade setting enabled. If it only when you hit a chord then that would be a different issue altogether. Do you have any sort of compression enabled on the track?
Its the beggining of each take, If I quiet down for a while though it happens again.Like if I have a pause of 8 beats. It does seem most likely to be autofade but I'm not sure how to deactivete it, there doesn't seem to be an off button just ways to change it.

And nah I don't have any compression activated.
^ yup, thats what I thought ... I'm pretty sure you got called out on that one and not too confident you went out in the last couple days and actually bought a legit copy but whatever. Its also why your other thread got deleted
Its not pirated if its my friends copy, You can install it on upto 5 computers, I have the blue key aswell it works.Its not pirating at all its off the original cd. Its not pirating borrowing a dvd and watching it is it? The reason I borrowed it was to try befor I bought it.Now I have a real copy and I still have the same problem so its a waste of my money if a brand new copy doesn't fix it=/.
your "borrowing a dvd" analogy doesn't work man ...

No, its not pirating if you borrow a dvd and watch it ... thats called borrowing or renting ;)

However, making copies of that dvd and distributing to friends, well thats different

Just pointing out that your last thread on this subject got deleted for much the same content as what's in this one
But there wasn't a copy made of the software.If it was copied software the blue usb would have shut it down or stopped it from working, Thats the reason why you get that usb with the software.

It was putting the Original Cd of Cubase sx3 that wasn't being used anyway by him into a different computer, You are allowed to do that, it is not being copyed and sold and I didn't buy or borrow a copy either.It is exactly like the borrowing a dvd analogy.
let me ask you this and we'll end it there ... when you were originally asked if you were using a legit copy of the software, your answer was "kinda" ... does that not seem to indicate you're doing something a little hinky?
Not really,i know some people seem to be a bit snobby about borrowing software to try.It is legit it just belongs to someone else.

Not everyone can afford to buy it brand new when they haven't even tried it and don't know how to use it yet though.where would the point be in that?

Unfortunatly I bought cubase 4 thinking the higher version would be better and a new copy could fix the problems unfortunatly that was a waste of allot money anyway if the same problem still occurs =/.
Why don't you just get reaper, it's free to try and if you decide to buy it, the license is pretty cheap

and don't argue about the legitimacy of borrowing software you don't own on this forum, you are starting a war that you will not win