Cubase 5 consolidation/ cleanup question


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Hey guys

Been working hard on my current project and we're about half way through now.
On the weekend I finished editing all drums, bass and guitar, consolidated the files and backed up. After that I went through and deleted all the little unused edits and crap that I didn't need on my hard drive as the sessions were nice and clean. It's all fine, I didn't delete any of the consolidated files, but when I open each session (each song) Cubase looks for some of the smaller files, even though they have been consolidated into single files and it's looking for crap that isn't needed.

Which menu do I use to tell Cubase that it can stop looking for those files?

Cheers :kickass:
I normally 'Save As New Project', or whatever they call it, after I finish up all my edits and do my consolidation. In the menu that appears you tell it to transfer your used audio files and you'll only have what you need.