Cubase 5 - Default template directory?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Could one of you tell me where Cubase 5 saves the template session files you create on the hard disk? I need to find them so I can back up in case of future reformats etc.

It took me about an hour to lay out the last one, so I don't look forward to having to do it again!
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That's the thing, there's no Project Templates folder :s

Have you created a template with Cubase 5? If you havn't, it wont exist. If you have old templates from earlier Cubaseses :)goggly:) they will be located in another folder.

C:WindowsSysWOW64configsystemprofileAppDataRoamingSteinbergCubase 5Project Templates
wowie, little bit convoluted.
I don't even have C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\ :loco:
Make a dummy template called "fuckgranma" and search for it.
Only the template should show up.
If more then you are a very very naughty boy! :)
Yeah. Windows is a bit too divided in where it stores information. Someone really needs to come along and wipe that whole registry system away. It's like they built needless layers of complexity upon each other, just because. Honestly, the fact that a file structure like the one I just quoted even exists is a massive failure on their part.
Yeh stuff like this is crazy. Anything of such value should never be placed in such crazy places. I go extremely mad when it comes to vst installs for instance, since i cant stand them sitting in my program files directory, EVERYTHING goes into the cubase vst file.
FWIW, I had to do a similar quest when backing up my Reaper FX chains and project templates - however, since I knew the file names, I found them in about 10 seconds with the help of this little guy ;)

i've run into problems before with my system drive or partition not being big enough because all of the plugins and software installs were placing more and more things on the same drive, even when the plugin was installed in a separate plugin folder