Cubase 5, mididrumtrack import and no bpm


Jun 10, 2008
Hello folks,

I used to import mididrumtracks into Cubase5 all the time and Cubase did the bpm on its own. Suddenly after importing these files it allways shows 120bpm and I don't know what I have to do. Are there any changes I can do to switch back to normal? Do you have any idea whats going on here?
HI and thank you for the quick response. It doesn't work and I tried it before. How do I import a tempomap? I only have this mididrumtrack:(
HI and thank you for the quick response. It doesn't work and I tried it before. How do I import a tempomap? I only have this mididrumtrack:(

No problem <3 Go to the project where you programmed the original drums and go to file ->
export -> tempo track and you should be set then just import into the session your in now and again make sure tempo is set to track not fixed.

Whenever I export midi it never has any tempo information, weird I guess ? I was always under the impression this was the way to do it.
hm, because I did not programmed the drums myself I have another problem. Could it be the guy who send me the miditracks did not export the tempo?
hm, because I did not programmed the drums myself I have another problem. Could it be the guy who send me the miditracks did not export the tempo?

well I have no idea if you can export midi data in cubase with tempo information, Like I said any midi I have ever exported has been without it but maybe I am just not aware of this feature. A tempo track exported from cubase is a seperate thing from a midi track its a different file type and I believe its only readable by cubase but I don't know

You might have to wait for someone like jeff or maybe ahj to hopfully answer you sorry mate
Tempo should be embedded automatically with MIDI I believe.

I use a Tempo Track when I am not using MIDI. Otherwise, MIDI has it all there already.
had the same issue with a project recently...this worked for me. drag and drop the midi file into your project, see if that works.
Wish I knew what is wrong with you guys' MIDI setup. Only thing I can think of is that whenever I import MIDI into a project that is already open it won't import the tempo, I always import without a project open, it asks me where to save the project and makes a new one. When I do it that way it imports the tempo fine. Something I can suggest trying is close the project you are working in, with Cubase still open go to file>import>midi, make a new project after selecting the midi file. In that new project, do file>export>tempo track. Close that project, open the one you need the tempo in and do file>import>tempo track. Although, I'm sure there is a way to make the project read the MIDI tempo if you import it into an already open project, I just don't know how.
This is a bug in C5. If the MIDI file does in fact have tempo information embedded in it, you need to to select import -> midi file, but when it asks you to open it as a new project, you have to select "yes." From there you can see the tempo and import it into your old project, or start from scratch.
This is a bug in C5. If the MIDI file does in fact have tempo information embedded in it, you need to to select import -> midi file, but when it asks you to open it as a new project, you have to select "yes." From there you can see the tempo and import it into your old project, or start from scratch.

Basically what I said :p
^ Right... but what if you already have a whole session set up? Do what you said, but then export the Tempo Track from that new project and import it into the one you already set up.
thank you for trying to help me. I finally set up cubase again and now it is working again. I don't know what the failure was but its gone now.