Cubase 5 Panning Question


Jun 15, 2010
Okay, I'm totally gonna sound like a noob, but I've never used panning in the automation sense of it before.
I've always just used Auto Pan because it's all I needed.
But I'm looking to manually pan an audio file from left to right.
For some odd reason I can't find anything about this so any of you dudes wanna help out?

I've done that much already.

Right now the pan isn't even happening.

But in all seriousness, one way you can do it the red "R" thats next to the green "W". once you have that pressed, its going to highlight the green and red. then you adjust the panning by the fader (where it says "C", just move it left or right). Then just play through the whole song. once u do that, you basically record that volume automation.

But if its for a certain part, then i recommend doing what the other post described, about changing the "send" settings to panning. make sure to have the red "R" engaged though.
that's because you have it on sends, click on that and put it on standard panner.

This makes sense thank you.

I saw sends so after taking the pic I began to like, mess with the sends and try to find the panning automation in that but that totally failed hahah

Thanks guys