Cubase 5 - recording in non-standard location?


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
And I wish it was some sandbeach :lol:

But what about when the cursor is currently in, say, bar 84.3.1 (halfway through bar 84, on count "3" of a 4/4 cycle; 1-2-3-4). When I press record, the cursor jumps back to the beginning of the bar (location 84.1.1, count "1" of 1-2-3-4). How can I record so that the cursor doesn't jump to a different location?

Must be something painfully obvious I missed, but can't find a suitable option in the preferences or other places :err: :oops:

One workaround is just moving the part to be recorded, but that doesn't seem like a good solution :err:
Enable snap, then set snap setting to beat, hold ctrl and click wherever you want your punch in to start. Then hit I (i) on your keyboard to enable punch in, hit play a few measures before your punch in point and play. Hope this helps.
Can't do it with the count-in AFAIK, but works fine for punching in (which is better IMO, as you're hearing what comes before and can play along for a smoother transition between the two.
Exactly, count in is gay. Also, increase pre-record time in preferences, in order to instruct Cubase to record a few seconds prior to the punch in point.
Exactly, count in is gay. Also, increase pre-record time in preferences, in order to instruct Cubase to record a few seconds prior to the punch in point.

THIS. Mine has been at 2 seconds for as long as I remember... I still often get Cubase sessions to edit where the first hit is just slightly cut off, but nobody bothered to use the precount feature so there's just absolutely no saving it. Nightmare.