cubase 5

I think I'll wait for the version 6 to come out. I didn't see any even mildly interesting new features compared to SX3 that I would need except maybe the routing options and autotune/melodyne-wannabe plugins. some of vst3 plugins and the guitarsim on version 4 was ok, but it pretty much was below par compared to some of the free ampsims. And whats the deal with the fixed position eq, I still don't get it?
Loving it here. Little things, like having the tempo track and time signatures viewable in the track list are absolutely essential for me and were my only gripes about Cubase. The added new stuff is great, especially the pitch correction. Highly recommended upgrade, just make sure to download the 5.01 patch because it fixes a lot of small bugs.
Loving it here. Little things, like having the tempo track and time signatures viewable in the track list are absolutely essential for me and were my only gripes about Cubase. The added new stuff is great, especially the pitch correction. Highly recommended upgrade, just make sure to download the 5.01 patch because it fixes a lot of small bugs.

is it more stable in comparison to other steinberg products? i'm still experiencing crashing when some of my vst's freak out. have they got down to where anytime this happens, you can just reload the vst?? kinda rediculous to lose the whole project over something like this...

i wouls also appreciate these small additions (like tempo track in project)
Compared to sx3, one of the most useful thing, for me, is being able to drag&drop an insert on other tracks... The pitch thing I haven't used yet, I usually just open melodyne instinctively... And the batch export is just a godsend :)
i should mention the main reason an upgrade was brought up is the new East West Symphonic Orchestra Platinium Pro Complete with Play Engine requires Nuendo 4 or Cubase 5 to run it. (not interested in cubase 4).

Is it really not compatible with Nuendo 3?
Good luck finding that out, you need like 5 different iloks licenses and around 30 DVD to install this library... I don't have nuendo 3, I couldn't tell you, so basically, I'm useless, but it's a great software (pianos is insane too).

I'm ol' gregg !
Good luck finding that out, you need like 5 different iloks licenses and around 30 DVD to install this library... I don't have nuendo 3, I couldn't tell you, so basically, I'm useless, but it's a great software (pianos is insane too).

I'm ol' gregg !

well im assuming that if i purchase the library, i'll recieve all that is necessary for the software to work O_O

i already have an ilok, who doesnt? lol
A buddy of mine with whom I did a project with last month already upgraded to Cubase 5. He only said good things about it so far. I got to use it a bit too and it was enough to convince me to upgrade next month. Also, not one single crash during the whole recording (a five song EP) and that was on 5.0. I will go for it mainly because of the integrated melodyne-like pitch-correction. I tried it, need to get used to it a bit more. But I can already say that it will save me a lot of time and hassle. Not because it's better than melodyne, which it isn't. But just for Vocals it does more than enough. And it's INTEGRATED directly into the DAW, which, at least for me, is the whole point. So much easier. (if you havent seen already)
just curious, what do you guys think about cubase 5? pros, cons??

i currently use nuendo 3

i just went from nuendo 3 to cubase 5.

its hell of cpu hungry. the great thing is, cubase 5 has no problems opening nuendo 3 projects. but projects that worked ok on n3 with dual core e 8400, i got cpu spiking in cubase 5. so i had to upgrade to Q 6600 and more Ram,
now everything works perfectly.

the greatest thing about cubase 5 is :
you can change the vst order by drag and drop now in every channel!

if you inserted a compressor in slot 1 in nuendo, and you wanted a gate IN FRONT you had to save a new preset for that compressor, close the vst, insert a gate in slot 1 insert the comp in slot 2 AND load the prese you just created. fuckin hated that :-D

but NOW : just drag and drop your vst from slot 1 to slot 2 and you`re done!

reverence is alsoo very nice.

so i started using c5 3 weeks ago, after i had a little training with it,
it became way faster than nintendo!

what i didnt like at first was the graphical interface / the colours.
i was kind of confused at first, but you get used to it very fast.


btw. :
did i mention that steinberg is 2 blocks away from where i live ? ;-)
no - i`m not working for them, hehe.