Cubase Export 'Audition' question


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

What I'm basically trying to do is get Cubase behaving like Pro Tools, in that I want it to play back my mix through the monitors while I'm bouncing it in real time.

I noticed in version 6 they added an 'audition' slider on the export window, so I looked into it. Turns out you need to enable the 'Control Room' in order for it to function, so I did. Oop, turns out you can't set your Control Room 'monitor' to the same outputs as your regular stereo outputs (ie. the ones that run to the monitors). So then I just routed the Control Room 'monitor' to a spare two internal channels on my RME card, and then used the HDSPe mixer to route those back to my main monitor feed. The obvious problem here is that I have to keep muting those internal busses after every bounce, because they'll double up and give me an increase in volume when I'm doing actual mixing within the DAW.

So I'm here to ask you... what is the sane, normal person way of doing what I want to achieve within Cubase?
^^This, and it's actually how I bounce my tracks down. Much easier to do small changes after the fact as well - don't have to do a full bounce to change the level of a solo or the panning of a lead line or something.
Not sure how it works in Cubase 6, but assuming it works the same as in Cubase 5:

I don't use any of the functions in the control room matrix apart for the studio sends, but I still use it. My main bus is routed to nothing in the routing settings; instead I route the control room "Monitor 1" to my main (physical) stereo out. Cubase has a habit of trying to route my Stereo Out to the physical outputs when I create new projects, but I've gotten used to disabling it. Otherwise you'll end up with double output, just as you describe.


exactly how ii do realtime bounces, record the stereo out to a new stereo track. really love that way.
dont know why, but i listen to mixes differently while they are bounced...
sometimes the only way when there is cpu spikes and im using hardware outboard.