Cubase ready mixed metal projects


New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2011
Anyone knows if around internet there's some multitracks ready mixed projects to download, i'm asking it because i'm not able to mix.. and i want to study to get my sounds closer to a done work from a professionist.
if you have links please post.. thanks a lot..
don't ask for something like that here, stuff like this won't work, everything sounds different
as long as you haven't recorded the same musicians with the same equipment and stuff you
won't get a statisfying result.
You need to learn how to do it by yourself or somebody else has to do it, but stuff like premade
mixes for cubase just won't work.
Read through all the things you can find here, it will help you alot, but you won't make yourself
alot of friends around here if you're asking for presets or stuff like this. If you know basics about
panning and leveling, compression, equalization you will be able to get halfway decent results,
at least better than something like "ready mixed projects" for cubase...
if you want your stuff to sound like it was mixed by a professional, PAY a professional and let him mix your stuff. ;-)
Now that's a preset!

Wouldn't work anyway but I'd like to see them just out of curiosity.

But that would be impossible as you should have all the plugins used. And the hardware.

Some reading here would give you a picture that there are many ways to approach a project depending on the source.

...what a preset!!
XD i think hes asking for a mix template hahahhhh, but they won't always work as they said, they are just bases and you always adjust to the bands style / sound.
it would be impossible for a preset to fit everything, its a good place to start though if you know what sortve preset you're looking for, but just experiment around by yourself, its alot more fun & educational just take into account what does what! and trust your ears..
I seem to remember when i was doing a digidesign course the textbooks had mixes you can import and then it would tell you what to do in them until they were a finished product. That's the closest i've seen really.

Maybe you could find something simliar for cubase although I don't really see how it would help you become a better mixer.
If I understand correctly what you're asking, the closest thing I can think of is there are some seperated multitracks of popular metal songs on YouTube. They're seperated out as far as 'drums track,' no individual drums, only full drum bus mix, 'guitars' which is usually all guitars, 'bass,' and 'vocals' which usually is lead, harmony/backing, etc... all together. But having it broken down at least that far is a good way to see how the individual elements of a mix you're familiar with sounds when they're on their own, outside the context of the mix. Might help.