Curious about Dual Rec and Uberkab, but confused


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So just a few months back I purchased my first tube amp, a 5150. Up until recently I thought that I would never get old of the tone. However when I was recording I noticed a very unbalanced mid section that I couldn't eq out. Later I started hearing it in my playing. The tone has a very "pong" kind of sound and totally lacks the beef lower mid saturation.

I really noticed this when my band who acquired a new guitarist and we played with him. He plays a dual rec with a custom fiberglass homemade cabinet. right off the bat, his tone was meatier, fatter tone with way more high end bite and absolutely no fizz.

My firs thought was my cabinet. I am using a Genz Benz G-Flex 212 with GT-75's. So I decided that I would take a look at other cabinets, and started taking a look at the recto cabs, most reviews say it sucks because its loose and not very defined, and most mentioned that the Bogner Uberkab was a much better cabinet that had more bit and tighter (and more) low end and has massive amount of crunch. Then I hear that the uberkab can sounds nasally and that the VHT FB was better. Then the opinions about what each cabinet sounds better. Some say the bogner has more bight and breathes better, some say that it doesnt cut like the FB and that the uberkab has a smooth high end unlike the FB which has more bite. So I think a majority of the talking at gearslutz and harmony central are just talking out their ass. Either way I am looking for a cabinet that has a less processed sound, has a more even mid range and has more bit, less smooth highs.

It could easily be my amp though. I know the 5150s are supposed to be smoother and more airy, and my tubes are stock from 1994, but my other amp of choice was the engl savage, but after really listening t bands like nightrage and dimmu borgir, that tone has no crunch or low end to it. Been listening to the new Behemoth and that tone is absolutely crushing, and they are using Bogner with Mesa Recto cabs, at least that was what their demos were done with and the demos sounded almost identical to the final tone. \

I should note, I just got back from a local show tonight and the first band played with a 5150 on vader cab, powerball with legacy cab, the 5150, yup no high end bite compared to the PB. The headlining band had a dual recto, not sure the cab and a Mode 4 with 1960 cab, and their tone was the most crushing tone I have ever heard, period, a couple chords were so cruchy and went together so harmoniously, it was almost as if the chord was generated by a buzzsaw like synth becuase there were no signs of clipping.

So I am really confused. Looking at maybe getting a dual recto or Ubershcall with a VHT FB cab or Uberkab, but I don't know just yet. Any recommendations or opinions about a more biting, fatter tone?

The amps I am curious in are the Uberschall and Dual rec.

Cabinets I am Interested in:
Mesa Recto
Bogner Uberkab
most reviews say it sucks because its loose and not very defined

only on HCAF!
the Recto Can is most definitely the best cab for metal out there...real fat and very smooth sounding.
and not undefinied at all.

the Engl pro and I think the Ubercab have got a bit more bite and a BIT tighter bottom end, but they're by far not as smooth and balanced sounding.

the MArshall Dave Mustain Cab might also be interesting for you
yeah I am not looking for smooth, I want the lower end of the highs (which for me sounds really harsh and muddy) to really come out. I like having bass but I really can't stand a loose low end. I play with an SD-1 with the tone knob dimed, and turning it off doesn't fatten anything up, just turns the tone to mush.

It wasn't HCAF, it was the reviews, one of the guys said that the Mesa cab was too loose and that the Uberkab sounded bigger, tighter had more bite and crunch, so i went into to looking into the uberkab and found the uberkab vs FB was on gearslutz, and those were the most useful sources I could find on google.

My current setup either has no bass, or extreme woofy subs, right now it sounds really cold and sterile, I want tight but present bottom end and low end warmth and a crisper more aggressive high end.
We don't have anything other than Guitar Center and two mom and pop shops, the good one only carries vintage shit and the occasional 6505 and the other place is pretty stocked on mesa gear but they are all arrogant pricks and won't let you play the gear unless syou are being supervised by an employee and they will only let you play if you plan on buying it, you get shit if you don;t buy something and they try to pressure you to buying something, especially if it is expensive. I refuse to go there and beyond the Mesas they have in stock, they really don't have shit either. Haven't seen an Engl cab in person ever and today was my first time seeing a Powerball (the only engl amp) I have seen in person) in almost 4 years. The only cab I have really played is my G-Flex, I have played a 6505 with a 1960 a cab about a year ago but I thought it sounded like shit compared to the Bogner line 6 (my taste in tone was really bad back then, this was pre first tube amp) and a Recto with a recto and PRS about 5 or 6 years ago.
oh i will note I worry about the metal grill because as having one atm, I have felt the effect of not having cloth to dampen the extreme highs. I have been wanting a cloth grill to dampen some of them so they are not too harsh but I still want them to come out of the amp and skin your face off.
a mesa cab is an awesome partner for a 6505 - usually my first choice cab for that amp. as lasse said its a very balanced sound, id say with maybe slightly more defined and present low mids than some other cabs.

1960's i find to be looser in the low end and have more pronounced treble, maybe less mids so it has a slightly scooped sound. they are a bit harder to mic than mesa cabs for example as i think they can have a tendancy of sounding a bit phasey. that said, i like them on some stuff and definitely have their uses.
Balanced with good low mids is cool, but, crunch and bite take more importance. I want as much bite that is possible before it gets harsh and as much mid crunch without sounding like the mids are overpowering the rest of the sound.

Like right now I have an eq in the FX with a slight -2db scoop across the 400-1.2k to get rid of some of the harshness. The mids are completely useless, when they are in there, they overpower the highs and bass and sound completely sounds loose and muddy. They also really tame the amp, it almost feels castrated with all the mids there. Take the mids down by a hair and all that aggression in the mids is there, but the lows still aren't there and the highs are nothing but fizz. I am beginning to believe that the 5150/6505 is nothing but mids (unmusical at that) and high end fizz, all the bass is coming from my ported cab and its nothing but subs.

I am really sick of hearing whisper quiet soft highs and harsh "squakiness" from the high and mids that are there. Again I said that I really liked the tone on the new behemoth album Evangelion, there are so much mids, but the tone is as devastating as if the mids are completely scooped, still warm as heel and fit in extremely well. I am not looking to copy their tone, since I want my own tone, but something in that vein.

At this moment I can't hear what is going on in the highs at the moment, all I hear is static, white noise. I would like to hear some high end clarity and just some warmth, because I am not hearing anything between 150 and 350. Anything that I boost or cut around to bring out, I find that what I was not hearing, once its loud enough to be heard, is really unmusical and and unusable.
well its definitely your shout - after all tastes will be different. the 5150 is a middy amp but definitely not over the top, that amp has been used on more metal albums than anything else. if you are having issues that are that serious with it, it would definitely be worth changing the cab and then if there is still a problem even changing your guitar.

as different as any amp will be, there is only SO much it is going to change the sound and the problem you notice with one amp may well be there with another. when im reamping through different amps its amazing how similar they can all sound - and if you think about it component wise they are all very similar anyway. id still strongly advise trying the mesa cab as thats one of the most tried and tested solutions out there.
only on HCAF!
the Recto Can is most definitely the best cab for metal out there...real fat and very smooth sounding.
and not undefinied at all.

the Engl pro and I think the Ubercab have got a bit more bite and a BIT tighter bottom end, but they're by far not as smooth and balanced sounding.

Could not agree more - balanced is indeed the absolute operative word for the Recto cab, I had a Stiletto cab for awhile (Mesa's "regular" sized 4x12 with the same speakers as the Recto cab), and it may have been ever so slightly tighter, but the mids were just unbearable, made everything recorded just sound so dense, stuffy, and *wait for it* WOOLY :D The low end on the Recto cab is far from unbearable, and shifts the emphasis away from those unpleasant mids in the Stiletto cab (400 Hz) down to the chunk range (not gonna guess a frequency there, but yeah, it's lower, which is good :D). And they're so cheap and plentiful on the used market in the US! (I got mine in excellent condition for $480)

Definitely get a new cab before deciding to change amps IMO!
Honestly man, I think before you look at trying new cabs, you should get new tubes, especially if they're from 1994!!!! With my 5150, I noticed a huge difference replacing old tubes. And having new tubes in it will also help you better judge what cab it sounds best through. I don't have any experience with the Mesa cab, but I've never heard anything bad about it. I am perfectly happy with my 1960 cab though.
I played an Uberschall once and I did not go :OMG:

I've heard a few clips of it that sound pretty awesome, but I'm not super thrilled with it, especially not for the price. I think there are a lot of amplifiers out there that you haven't really had a chance to check out. For example, I think a modded Peavey Windsor is one hell of an amp. The amp sounds nice stock, but when you soup that baby up, it roars. Hell, you could buy a Windsor, Mod it AND buy a Dual Rec for the price of an Uber.

Fortin modded Marshalls are super tight- IIRC he'll take a 87' 50 watt JMP MK II and turn it into a raging monster for $700 bucks.

Before you make a huge investment, talk to me. I have 4 awesome modded amplifiers that I would reamp a few riffs through for you if it helps you make your decision.
I am pretty sure that the cab is the biggest culprit, however no matter what cab it is with, in live bands, he 5150 or 6505 always sounds like a mid heavy castrated ball of fizz compared to the rest whether is a dual rec, powerball or even a POD XT Pro.

A a little over e year ago I played a Krankenstein stack and it was insanely aggressive, from what I remember no fizz but a tone of highs and extremely warm. My only problem is that compared to that, listening to Machinated's Krankenstein on Recto cab, it sounds the same to the 5150 on Recto cab, the top end just doesn't come out, sounds more like sub bass and fizz on the high end.

But I really don't know, I don't have a dime to spend on testing random gear nor are there any local stored in the whole fucking state that sell anything else other than Marshall and crate (gutiar center cough cough) that I could try. I am willing to try out some new power tubes, any recommendations? I am looking into the Winged C's but I get the Smooth high end in the descriptions. Can it still be aggressive and if not, what is the most agressive sounding power tube available...that isn't NOS?
suck it up, get some new tubes and then take your head shopping with you and try some new cabs.

I bought my Mesa Recto 4x12 minty fresh used for 375. Then I sold it for 450 to fund studio gear (I had just got a couple Madison4 x12's for free through an endorsement deal)...I looove the Madisons, but I want to try a Mesa again for recording since I've learned in the time between selling the Mesa and now. Last time I played/tracked a Recto cab, though, I was severely let down...My Madisons sounded better to me...I wonder if I'd still think that now.
If you want to record, i think you should try the Bogner cab with 2 V30 and 2 GT75 (I think it's that model...) it give you more possibilities with the 2 kinds of speakers for your records...

but if you want to play alive too, i think you should buy a recto's indestructible, unbeatable and it's the perfect partner of your 5150