Curious about this guitar setup

He uses the Pod XT Pro for his clean sounds and the 5150 for his high gain sounds. The Pod is either being sent to the effects return of the 5150 for use as a power amp or straight to the desk.

He's either switching between them with an A/B onstage or his tech's doing it offstage. The switch could be MIDI controlled by whoever's running their synths, but there's nothing in the rack to indicate that's the case, so it's probably a pedal out front.

The second wireless is either a backup or (more likely) for another guitar, as IF uses several different tunings.
He uses the Pod XT Pro for his clean sounds and the 5150 for his high gain sounds. The Pod is either being sent to the effects return of the 5150 for use as a power amp or straight to the desk.

nice...thanks. Yeah that probably makes more sense to A/B the for clean the other for high gain. In the effects loop though? I thought the POD would sound like crap in the effects loop.
Here's my guess.. He's running his axe through a splitter, one goes into the 5150, the other goes into the PODXT. He probably uses the rhythm channel of the 5150 as his normal rhythm sound, and the lead channel for his leads probably with a hint more volume, probably with a hint more volume. He switches on the effects loop for clean since he's only running the XT into the return of the amp he's only getting PODXT. As for the stuff on the top, one is probably a tuner the other probably his line splitter.

Also, its interesting to see that the post gain on both channels of the 5150 are at 3-ish. Pretty quiet for playing in the size venues they're playing at now.

If you ever run Bjorn before or after they play, ask him. I talked to him for about 10 minutes outside the club about gear and he was very cool.
I hope I'm not hijacking this thread but the topics are close... I'm also really curious about using the Pod for a clean channel. I have a Boogie .50 Caliber that I love for rhythm tones but it's basically a one trick pony. I need to have a nice clean sound and have wondered about how I could use the Pod without having to buy a power amp and without having to run it straight to a board. Any suggestions?
Run it into the fx loop return, and use a splitter box to feed your guitar to both the amp and the POD. Switch off the effects loop (if you can) when you want to go with just the Mesa, and switch it on for the POD tone, which will bypass the Mesa's preamp.