Current addictions

A little Anathema in the morning...Then I'll transfer to some old school thrash a la Sarcofago, Sextrash, Forced Entry, and Vectom :)
Hehe, I was being sarcastic ;) Projector is by far my least favourite DT album, Stanne's clean vocals never really bothered me on the albums preceding Projector, in fact I liked them, but on Projector he suddenly wanted to sound all emotional and stuff and failed miserably i.m.o..

To be honest I only have Projector, Haven and Damage Done. His vocals can get quite annoying alright, but I think projector still has some great tunes.

Btw - What DT albums would you recommend?
To be honest I only have Projector, Haven and Damage Done. His vocals can get quite annoying alright, but I think projector still has some great tunes.

Btw - What DT albums would you recommend?

cliffburton, my Summerbreeze-friend, as Cerulean said, i'd also highly recommend 'The Gallery', besides that 'The Mind's I' is also a good one..
DT - Auctioned, I can listen to this song over and over. Just got into Behemoth, went and got Demigod, fucking great.
To be honest I only have Projector, Haven and Damage Done. His vocals can get quite annoying alright, but I think projector still has some great tunes.

Btw - What DT albums would you recommend?
Well, I for one think Haven is far superior to Projector, it contains some of DT's best tunes (Haven, Fabric, Not Built To last and most of all At Loss For Words). My personal favourites are The Gallery, Skydancer and Haven. The Of Chaos and Eternal Night MCD is also mandatory stuff, for the title track alone. It is added to the Skydancer re-issue as bonus. Anyway, The Gallery is their undisputed masterpiece, it'll win any 'favourite DT album' poll.
DT - Auctioned, I can listen to this song over and over. Just got into Behemoth, went and got Demigod, fucking great.

Then you'll probably like Zos Kia Cultus as well. IMO it's far superior to Demigod. Satanica is brutal as well.

Halmstad is killing me. I haven't been able get Lat Oss Ta Allt Fran Varandra and Besvikelsens Dystra Monotoni out of my head for a month now.

Word! Those 2 tracks are breathtaking. :worship: