Current addictions

Projector is the only album from DT worth listening to. Rest is just run of the mill Gothenburg methinks.

As for Nevermore:
Dreaming Neon Black > Politics of Ecstacy > This Godless Endeavor > Enemies of Reality > Dead Heart
Projector is the only album from DT worth listening to. Rest is just run of the mill Gothenburg methinks.

As for Nevermore:
Dreaming Neon Black > Politics of Ecstacy > This Godless Endeavor > Enemies of Reality > Dead Heart

This Godless Endeavor > Dead Heart in a Dead World > Enemies of Reality > Dreaming Neon Black > The Politics of Ecstacy

Like this it is for me at the moment ;)
Behemoth haven't been good since the black metal days. :P

And Projector is probably the best thing for DT, since I don't think I can take another Gothenburg album anymore.
The vocals kill me...sounds like someone with cookies in their mouth growling with a megaphone.

And nothin really captures me with their brand of Death Metal. I'm just more into Floridian Death and Swedish Death.