Current addictions

Hey man, I don't know what stuff you've been smoking, but I want some.

or is it because the haunted are capable of writing musical songs not just pointless aggression?

Pointless aggression? Are you sure you didn't get your bands mixed up? I take it you haven't heard Under the Dead Sky or The Flames of the End from Slaughter of the soul?

Also you really shouldn't be counterimposing "pointless aggression" to a band who wrote "stabbing and shooting and ripping the life out of you/I get off and I wish that you could too!"

Could it be because the haunted has better lyrics

Haha yeah, we fuck it till it bleeds man, that's a timeless line right there.

maybe it's because the haunted have a way better vocalist?

Are you disrespecting the mighty Tomas Lindberg? :yell: Dolving's better utilised and can show his entire range, but that doesn't automatically make him a better vocalist.

BlueSky said:
stef, kev, and I were all about melo death about 5 or 6 years ago, but we grew out of it man.

Oh, so it's all about you being musically mature. Carry on then :u-huh:

Also, Revolver is great, but Dead Eye is fucking atrocious.
Why because one is cool to like an the other isn't? or is it because the haunted are capable of writing musical songs not just pointless aggression? maybe it's because the haunted have a way better vocalist? Could it be because the haunted has better lyrics? write darker songs? As for atg I don't give a crap about that boring scene or what they did for it. :) stef, kev, and I were all about melo death about 5 or 6 years ago, but we grew out of it man.

You can have personal taste but I don't think you're giving the people in the band too much credit. They did what any half intelligent person would do, they evolved. They aren't the youths who don't know much about the world anymore. They're musically a much more impressive beast, and that's a fact.

Also I think they just keep topping themselves with every release. The first 3 weren't much with exception of the song hollow ground(amazing song right ther), rEVOLVEr was pretty good, and the dead eye was amazing. They get a bad rap because of their past from the elitist assholes who are too afraid to expand their taste, and grow as a person.

I'm kinda drunk it's no biggy but c'mon at least check out the dead eye! that cd rocks.

Nah, still disagree with you, Terminal Spirit Disease pisses all over anything the Haunted have ever done. And as pointed out above your statement about Dolvings lyrics has been disproved.The comment about "elitist assholes" is just plain stupid.
Nah, still disagree with you, Terminal Spirit Disease pisses all over anything the Haunted have ever done. And as pointed out above your statement about Dolvings lyrics has been disproved.The comment about "elitist assholes" is just plain stupid.

He proved nothing because neither are great in lyrical content. But

"As I close my eyes I can see it now
In sepia twilight sundown to the sound of electrical eyes
The obedient sons and the daughters all perfectly in line
All hail, raised hands in impeccable synchronically"

That right there is better than any atg lyric because it creates a very vivid image. They both have their fair share of stupid lyrics try this atg lyric for example

"Raped by the light of Christ"

Also trying to argue who is a better vocalist when dolving can actual sing is stupid. Same goes for their harsh vocals because dolving has power and the other dude is just raspy with no real talent. I said The haunted are capable of music that's not just pointless aggression, which means they do have pointless aggression in some songs, but not all. As I stated before with every cd they're getting better at cutting out the pointless aggression bullshit. When a song has that 1,2 1,2 half time beat it's a pointless aggression song. Almost every atg song has that. The beat for one is not just horrible but uncreative along with any music that would go to that. Atg riffs are all about a simple little melody, which does nothing for the song. The haunted are capable of actual riffs that are heavy and dark sounding, which also have something to do with a song. That right there is reason enough for me to like them better. This is not about my musical maturity. I simply feel that there is just much better music to listen to than melo death. It's just not that great of a sub genre, which stops being cool when you realize that any little kid can create it. Look at the american scene these days, a bunch of cut and paste melodies, which have nothing to do with the song. They're just imatating the swedish melo death music, which is the same in that respect. melo death is dead there is nothing you can do with it. Also I wasn't calling anyone here an elitist but there are definitely plenty out there. I don't see this conversation going anywhere because in the end you're going to like what you like, and that's ok.
I like what In Flames did with Clayman.Cos it was different but still including some melo death stuff.Anyways I almost stopped listening to this kind of stuff after the death(the last two albums I mean) of In Flames.I totally agree with half time beat thing.If a band uses it too much that means they have nothing more to create.I believe there's one band that can save melo death now and it's Insomnium...
I used to listen to In Flames in 9th grade. To me, their old "classic" stuff essentially is Iron Maiden with worse song structures and bad vocals. As for the stuff after Whoracle it's pretty much all crap, especially RTR and the cd's after that
I suddenly remembered your brother's band when I saw your post,it's one of the best melo death of last few years.Any chance I can find it in anywhere in Turkey??
They're on Osmose, I don't know if and who distributes them in Turkey. Just ask your local record store or else order online, plenty of options there. You can order their new album for €13, postage included, directly from the band. Just paypal the money to info [at] detonation [dot] nl and specify which album you want.