invariably off-topic
Dolving is definitely a necessary component to the brothers.
Yup. Have you started liking his solo album yet? It's fantastic methinks
Dolving is definitely a necessary component to the brothers.
You know is not, don't lie to yourself no more Tuna, please don't![]()
or is it because the haunted are capable of writing musical songs not just pointless aggression?
Could it be because the haunted has better lyrics
maybe it's because the haunted have a way better vocalist?
BlueSky said:stef, kev, and I were all about melo death about 5 or 6 years ago, but we grew out of it man.
Why because one is cool to like an the other isn't? or is it because the haunted are capable of writing musical songs not just pointless aggression? maybe it's because the haunted have a way better vocalist? Could it be because the haunted has better lyrics? write darker songs? As for atg I don't give a crap about that boring scene or what they did for it.stef, kev, and I were all about melo death about 5 or 6 years ago, but we grew out of it man.
You can have personal taste but I don't think you're giving the people in the band too much credit. They did what any half intelligent person would do, they evolved. They aren't the youths who don't know much about the world anymore. They're musically a much more impressive beast, and that's a fact.
Also I think they just keep topping themselves with every release. The first 3 weren't much with exception of the song hollow ground(amazing song right ther), rEVOLVEr was pretty good, and the dead eye was amazing. They get a bad rap because of their past from the elitist assholes who are too afraid to expand their taste, and grow as a person.
I'm kinda drunk it's no biggy but c'mon at least check out the dead eye! that cd rocks.
Nah, still disagree with you, Terminal Spirit Disease pisses all over anything the Haunted have ever done. And as pointed out above your statement about Dolvings lyrics has been disproved.The comment about "elitist assholes" is just plain stupid.
In Flames' demise started with Colony i.m.o.
They're on Osmose, I don't know if and who distributes them in Turkey. Just ask your local record store or else order online, plenty of options there. You can order their new album for 13, postage included, directly from the band. Just paypal the money to info [at] detonation [dot] nl and specify which album you want.I suddenly remembered your brother's band when I saw your post,it's one of the best melo death of last few years.Any chance I can find it in anywhere in Turkey??