Current addictions

<3 this hangover sucks ass! But we were at the pub last night jammin to Death! They had Symbolic so fuck yeah! I downed a whole pitcher at the end because it was 1:55 am and they were closing! I did falsettos all night and I yelled my myspace url to everyone...I need some water.
This may come as a shock, but I like the new In Flames stuff
It has much more emotion to it and everything...
More emotion? In what way? The old (1st couple of albums) radiates much more feeling and emotion through the music & melodies than the newer stuff, which musically is much more 'flat' and less challenging i.m.o. Note that I'm talking about the music and not about the vocals, but they also grew subsequently worse i.m.o.
The lyrics of Colony and Clayman is superb IMO.They cannot even be compared to Come Clarity.Even the production and sound of Come Clarity is crap.Clayman was done many years ago but the sound of all instruments and vox are way better.
More emotion? In what way? The old (1st couple of albums) radiates much more feeling and emotion through the music & melodies than the newer stuff, which musically is much more 'flat' and less challenging i.m.o. Note that I'm talking about the music and not about the vocals, but they also grew subsequently worse i.m.o.

Well, take parts like the chorusses of Touch of red, trigger, Dead Alone, Like you better Dead, System, etc. Those moments are pretty intense. In the way they have great melodies and Anders brings out lots of emotion through his vocals (half clean screaming sort of thing). I'm not saying the old In Flames hasn't per se got much emotion to it, but I believe the new In Flames has more intense moments
Obviously, but you really didn't have to go KittyKatatonia on ATG, mang. That kind of talk usually causes a reaction (and I like both The Haunted and ATG).

:cry: Nothing she says is based on any facts. Plus she usually insults the members on the board. Anyhow I thought it was a pretty good music convo we had going.

friends? :)
I like parts of In Flames last three albums, but they will never write tunes like Wayfaerer or Ever Dying again.Anders Friden is the real weak link in In Flames at the minute, his "singing" is extremely annoying.

On the ATG/The Haunted thing, as with any music it all comes down to personal preferance. I just enjoy ATG more and think they wrote better songs.
those are hardcore bands....

Actually the beginning of Metalcore...and quality metalcore. We're talking late 80s early 90s. In Flames has nothing to do with Metalcore at all...maybe some bands stole their melodies but those bands have nothing to do with Metalcore at all, they are boy bands with instruments.
It's hard to give up the ghost. Some bands should just call it a day. There is always new beginnings if you're open to change.