Custom guitar?


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
I've got some extra cash and am looking for a custom guitar. Ran quoted me nearly 3k with almost a 12 month wait? Jackson and ESP custom shops won't even get back to me. Anyone know of any guys they could recommend? I don't want anything extremely fancy, just some pointy 80's shred machine with a few changes.
There is a local guy here in UK that runs a custom shop called daemoness guitars. The things are crazy good. Im not sure they can be beaten. Would probably cost a packet to get it to you, but if you have the sort of money for a custom guitar that shouldnt be a problem huh.

Beat this for an inlay:



There is a local guy here in UK that runs a custom shop called daemoness guitars. The things are crazy good. Im not sure they can be beaten. Would probably cost a packet to get it to you, but if you have the sort of money for a custom guitar that shouldnt be a problem huh.

Beat this for an inlay:




I submitted a quote, thanks!
Strictly 7 makes the best guitars I've ever played, and they're super inexpensive for a custom. Ask Ola about them. They make his signature guitar. Their website is kinda funky, but it's being totally redone.

If I sound like a fanboy, it's because I am. I just put in an order for a custom guitar with them a couple weeks ago. :)
If these others end up being too far out of your price range, I've been a fanboy of Carvin customs for many years. I have two DC127's and love them so much. Can't beat the price either for a custom guitar at that quality.

I know Shane (Kazrog) from these boards has ordered a Ran guitar that's in development now, perhaps he can share with you his insights or experience working with them. (Sorry for volunteering you Shane. lol)

In the long run though, if you're investing this much in a custom guitar, go with the guitar you want--who cares if it's a 12 month wait. I know you may want it now and it's hard to wait, but just think of how happy you'll be getting the guitar you want, even if you have to endure a bit of patience. ;)
There is a local guy here in UK that runs a custom shop called daemoness guitars. The things are crazy good. Im not sure they can be beaten. Would probably cost a packet to get it to you, but if you have the sort of money for a custom guitar that shouldnt be a problem huh.

Beat this for an inlay:




FUCK!! That bottom guitar SLAYS.
Strictly 7 makes the best guitars I've ever played, and they're super inexpensive for a custom. Ask Ola about them. They make his signature guitar. Their website is kinda funky, but it's being totally redone.

If I sound like a fanboy, it's because I am. I just put in an order for a custom guitar with them a couple weeks ago. :)

Their website is like travelling back to late 90´s :D

But build guitars they can... My Solar model is fuck me the best fucking guitar I've ever played. Fredrik Thordendal is soooooo jealous :D

Dunno if that would work out right now

Stinnett Guitars Homepage said:

I've been through a lot of ups and downs in the last year or so, and as a result,
my workshop output has dropped dramatically. I never expected the volume of work that has been hitting me
since I started this operation, nor the resulting growing pains that have plagued me along the way. (Not to mention the way life in
general has knocked me around and forced me to often make my workshop time a lower priority than I want it to be.)

But before this starts to sound like me whining about things....(ack!)...let me get to the point:

I want to send a BIG thank you to all of my patient customers who have had to endure wait times that have
far exceeded what I estimated some time ago. You have all done it with unsurpassed coolness and understanding,
and not a single one of you has requested my head on a pole! (not that I know of anyway)
Some of you may expect as much from luthiers (I've heard it said that you always multiply
a luthier's estimate by at least - but it's not what I want to put my customers through.

I appreciate the opportunity to create your dream guitars - and the least I can do after extending your wait is make sure
that your guitars are everything you want and more. Know that this is my goal even more than ever!

In order to concentrate on speeding things along with guitars currently in progress, and also delivering as well as possible on my most recently
acquired projects -

I am going to stop taking new orders for a while.

It's certainly not good for business, at least where profits are concerned - but it's the best thing for my
current customers - and when I have caught up a little, I will be better equipped to deliver on time to new customers.
Apologies to anyone who has been chomping at the bit to order a new guitar! If it's any consolation - my most recent
quoted times have been in excess of 1 year, and I've realized that I don't have the space or the resources to deal
with that volume of guitars in my shop. There is also a good chance that by the time I reverse this decision, the actual turnaround
dates won't be any worse than if I quoted them now!

So thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. Until next time.....
There is a local guy here in UK that runs a custom shop called daemoness guitars. The things are crazy good. Im not sure they can be beaten. Would probably cost a packet to get it to you, but if you have the sort of money for a custom guitar that shouldnt be a problem huh.

Beat this for an inlay:




I checked out this dude's site ... I wish I knew enough about guitars to actually know what I would want and what would be perfect for me & my playing cause this guy would get my money