Customizable free embeddable mp3 players?

Mixpod jigga! :D And then when you get the code to embed it, scour through it to delete all the useless shit (like "create your own playlist at!" and all that promotional nonsense)

Here's my Dad's music page on his website, which I made a couple of mixpod playlists for, to give you an idea
Bah it looks infinitely better but I hate the idea of relying on the player being hosted on their server and even after removing as much junk as possible there still links embedded into the swf file :/ It wasn't resizeable either and the default player was too tall :(

Any other options? I want something that I can host on my own server...
I'll say, goddamn, looks great! What'd you end up using? And please tell me this isn't a site for your studio, I think clients will be sorely disappointed when they see those pics and compare them to your Dudley Doright shack with a pair of BX8a's and an Onyx 1200F :D
I'll say, goddamn, looks great! What'd you end up using? And please tell me this isn't a site for your studio, I think clients will be sorely disappointed when they see those pics and compare them to your Dudley Doright shack with a pair of BX8a's and an Onyx 1200F :D

That's a placeholder image, I'm at work until June 15th and I'm buying a new desk and treating the room when I get home so I will take new pictures then and Dan can incorporate them instead :P

I used the XSPF player, some random version I found that supported color alterations. Only problem is it doesn't seem to work on IE at all :erk: on Firefox it matches the color theme of the page but IE shows it up just white with chunks missing here and there... Can anyone running IE 7 or 8 confirm if it works for them at all compared to Firefox?

How it should look...


How it looks in IE :Puke: