Cuve EQ Bass Presets


Dec 11, 2008
Hey all... I have the Curve EQ guitar presets and they are great... I've searched the forum for bass presets and can't seem to locate any... does anyone have any???


I could take a curveeq of me farting one day if you'd like.

Or you could, yknow, just put in the work and learn how to sculpt a bass sound the hard way like everyone else here has.
I could take a curveeq of me farting one day if you'd like.

Or you could, yknow, just put in the work and learn how to sculpt a bass sound the hard way like everyone else here has.

I'll pass on your offer but thanks anyway... :heh:

I AM trying to learn how to sculpt the bass sound and since those presets are eq curves of an actual bass amp, I was hoping it would help me hear what a real bass should sound like... I don't have access to a micing a real bass amp and was hoping this was a tool to help me get a better sound out of the equipment that I have. The bass and low-end is the toughest for me and is a work in progress.

I'll pass on your offer but thanks anyway... :heh:

I AM trying to learn how to sculpt the bass sound and since those presets are eq curves of an actual bass amp, I was hoping it would help me hear what a real bass should sound like... I don't have access to a micing a real bass amp and was hoping this was a tool to help me get a better sound out of the equipment that I have. The bass and low-end is the toughest for me and is a work in progress.


ive made at least 4 or 5 posts detailing how i process bass in huge amounts of detail, you could have fucking searched.
im not the only one who's posted advice people seem to have benefitted from either.
for example i pretty much learnt all i know about processing bass from advice Ermz put up.
just fucking SEARCH man. curve eq isn't going to get you anywhere. That isn't teaching you how to sculpt the fucking low end, it's sculpting it for you.

I only use Curveeq in disasterous cases where I desperately need to SALVAGE audio, never to change the sound, I do that myself. How the fuck else are you gonna grow as an engineer?

have a look through my posts, find info. try replicating that shit. ask people such as ermz and ryan and CJ (all 3 of those dudes own me at bass tones, and they own me fucking hard)
dont just use curveeq, it's a fools option.
ive made at least 4 or 5 posts detailing how i process bass in huge amounts of detail, you could have fucking searched.
im not the only one who's posted advice people seem to have benefitted from either.
for example i pretty much learnt all i know about processing bass from advice Ermz put up.
just fucking SEARCH man. curve eq isn't going to get you anywhere. That isn't teaching you how to sculpt the fucking low end, it's sculpting it for you.

I only use Curveeq in disasterous cases where I desperately need to SALVAGE audio, never to change the sound, I do that myself. How the fuck else are you gonna grow as an engineer?

have a look through my posts, find info. try replicating that shit. ask people such as ermz and ryan and CJ (all 3 of those dudes own me at bass tones, and they own me fucking hard)
dont just use curveeq, it's a fools option.

Sorry man... not trying to piss anyone off - just wanna learn... obviously, Curveeq is a bad option and I shouldn't have started there...
I'll do a search through the forum and your posts for more info on processing bass.

How do bass tone?

Thanks for the props Gareth.

Really, all you need is a good player, a decent bass w/bartolini's, a good pre and some decent ad/da and you're golden bro.

Distort to hell w/whatever plug you find has the right character, do some EQ carving, HP/LP and then L2 the shit out of the bass group.

How do bass tone?

Thanks for the props Gareth.

Really, all you need is a good player, a decent bass w/bartolini's, a good pre and some decent ad/da and you're golden bro.

Distort to hell w/whatever plug you find has the right character, do some EQ carving, HP/LP and then L2 the shit out of the bass group.


Thanks man... working on it...
Don't use CurveEQ. That's it. If you try to do it yourself then you shall have much more pride on your work and ultimately learn a lot more, that's why presets in general suck, they're good for studying how a certain someone worked to get that specific sound, but ultimately you should avoid these... unless I get some gareth curve eq fart sounds... now that'd be teh tits
Don't use CurveEQ. That's it. If you try to do it yourself then you shall have much more pride on your work and ultimately learn a lot more, that's why presets in general suck, they're good for studying how a certain someone worked to get that specific sound, but ultimately you should avoid these... unless I get some gareth curve eq fart sounds... now that'd be teh tits

Thanks Sptz - wow, finally someone who can answer a simple question. :heh:

That's the plan - I know presets suck and all that... I've been in the music biz a long time and just asked a simple question about CurveEq 'cause I don't know much about it...

Anyway, glad you guys are enjoying yourselves at my expense... have at it if you feel the need...
I gave you an answer to a simple question, you just don't like my attitude.
I gave you an answer to a simple question, you just don't like my attitude.

Sorry man - I meant aside from you and Sptz... your attitude didn't bother me at all - you answered the question and that's cool. I appreciate that.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to piss anyone off - not my intention at all. Bottom line is that I'll avoid CurveEq like the plague and move on... I've checked out some other threads on bass processing and they look promising.

Cheers! :headbang: