Cycling Canada to California


Active Member
Feb 9, 2006
great southern wasteland
Hey UMers

In a few days I am going to be commencing a cycle from Vancouver to Los Angeles (health permitting San Diego). I am raising money for arthritis charities in the process.

The link for my fundraising page is here:

This is actually my fundraising site for the Oregon coast cycle (which I am taking part in on the way) but don't be misled, I am actually going much further than that event. Also, most of my fundraising is being done through an Australian site, so the link above is purely for Americans who wish to contribute (hence why there's not much money raised through this site). If any of you guys can contribute it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if any of you guys are living anywhere on my route, it would be great to meet up and if you can offer a couch to sleep that would be cool too.


challenge_everything AKA Chris Bailey