Cynic finalizing mixing for new album

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
CYNIC drummer Sean Reinert has offered the following update:

“We are currently finishing up mixing the last two songs for the new CYNIC album with Warren Riker and could not be happier. It is really sounding amazing. I’m loving my drum sound! Paul’s [Masvidal, guitar/vocals] guitar tones are really killer. [Sean] Malone [bass] came down from Missouri for four days and tracked some great bass and stick lines. Tymon [Kruidenier, guitar/vocals] arrived [from Holland] last weekend and is now part of the fold. His growls and guitars are sounding sick!! We’ve been in a Glendale studio for almost 4 1/2 weeks now and yet I feel like we’ve been here a year! After we finish tomorrow night we will sit and live with the songs for a week before proceeding on to mastering. Right after that we start our rehearsals for the summer European mini-tour so keep a lookout for dates.”

This is going to own
I will only bother with it if it sounds like their demos, which I bet it won't.
Focus is a perfect album tarnished by the robot vocals. honestly WTF