I like a bit of Cynic, great when you're in the mood for some less brutal metal..."Celestial Voyage" is a cracking tune. I'll deffo give their new one a listen when its out.
^ That song up there could do with less vocoder, though.
I like the vocoder thing; it's unique. I actually like the "clean" vocals on Focus better than the growls, which were thoroughly mediocre and sounded like every other band from that era. Without the combination, though, it might not have been as memorable and fascinating an album.
@panzerfaust: It's Tom from the UK/ Alternately, a German viking named Olaf.:zombie:
He's a cool guy with good taste.
On various message boards he went by GoD(Gallantry over Docility), Moon of Amber, Sacraphobic, fates warning 666 and I'm sure many other handles I'll never for the life of me remember.