Cynic finalizing mixing for new album

hahaha i just listened to focus and holy fucking shit i forgot just how bad it was. maybe the worst album ever to be branded with the label 'death metal', it makes me feel far more merciful towards 'the sound of perseverance'

also stop talking as if the demos are great 'cause none of them are
interesting, i am merely skeptical

I don't think we should be too skeptical. As you can see from the videos of those recent shows they did you can tell they obviously still have it. Their 1-2 new songs were pretty decent. I think we will get something decent. Cynic was never the greatest band anyways, but they had their moments. I think the upcoming album has a good chance of being better than Focus, actually.

About the vocals - they're just different. I think the vocoder thing can be cool if it's used right. The thing that I didn't like about Focus is that it didn't have enough feeling & variation. A lot of it was not very memorable.