Cynic - Maryland Deathfest

In Europe I see local shows were a black metal band can open for a power metal band and it's completely ok by European metal fans . It's also the same I hear in South America.

A friend of mine from Colombia told me that there in Bogota, black metal fans and death metal fans are always looking to kick each others' asses. He made it sound like gang violence. But that's just one city/country.
What I find funny is how Prog/power metal fans say they hate DM but why do they even bother to listen to Into Eternity, Cynic, Death, Athiest, Necrophagist, ect.??? Why to Prog/power fans is a band like Soilwork or Death acceptable yet a band like Nile or Krisiun isn't?[/QUOTE]

I agree with you 100% on that.

On the Maryland Deathfest, the only band on the list i would like to see is BRUTAL TRUTH. Although, if i attended i probably would enjoy listening to band i have never heard of before.:rock:
As for my comment on the deathfest - my apologies if you were offended. I love metal - the entire scene - but I figured we could still laugh at the over-the-top ridiculousness of some random part of it. Don't we all get a smile out of adding "OF FIRE!" to the name of any metal band? Or giggle when another band sings about dragons once more? What about most pictures of Immortal? Why not laugh at the disgustingly brutal names some of these bands have to fulfill the death metal stereotype (just as dragons fulfill the power metal fantasy stereotype)?

The music may or may not be absolutely amazing. I don't know; the closest to technical death metal I have is Arsis. That's really beside the point though, because I'm not dishing on any band or genre personally. I have nothing against Rhapsody of Fire, Dragon*insertwordhere,* Immortal, Putrescence, or Cock and Ball Torture - just a sense of humor ;-)

If this makes me something of a snob, you might as well take the prog portion out and just call me a metal snob. Metal is, after all, my favorite. :rock:

It's one thing to make fun of bands, but that's not what you said. We can all have a laugh about what stupid a name "Nunwhore Commando 666" is, just like how dumb "Anal Cunt" is, but to drop band names you've never heard and say that they are a joke to metal solely based on their band name is snobbish. At least I would say. Metal has a tongue in cheek side just like it has a serious side. One isn't superior to the other. Not to mention that sometimes a band might have a weird band name but could also be amazing. I can't begin to tell you how many people talk shit about "Rotting Christ" (one of the best death[not black, maybe the first couple of albums but that's it.] metal bands ever) without listening to their music.

It just pisses me off when prog fans dog on dm bands. Don't get me wrong, prog/power is my favorite genre and dm has only a little niche in my heart, but every time I hear someone use the phrase "harsh vocals" instead of "death growl" or "death vocals", for instance, I cringe. It defeats the entire purpose of being a prog fan to close yourself out completely to other forms of music. You don't have to like it, but I find that it's important to at least be informed about it.

And Ark is awesome. One of the best bands ever.:rock: