
I think they're pretty good. At least they aren't content to write the same album again and again, though its not like they rushed... :lol:
wouldnt rly go as far as calling them weak other than in comparison to the focus tracks. traced in air is like a ten times less complex album than focus but i mean, it basically rips the shit out of alot of music on its own.

Well it's complex and still awesome, it's more that much of the disc around the track 5-7 area really fails to hook me. The first 3 tracks though, are fucking brilliant.
focus is a landmark in the tech death scene. traced in air imo was a colossal disappontment, basically sounds like aeon spoke with some death vocals thrown in
raced in air imo was a colossal disappointment

amen. The music on that album was incredible, but by the 4th song i thought it was still the first song, and i'm sorry but that kills me. I HAVE to have diversity in music. The only song i can recognize by name is "The space for this" and thats only because they say it probably 50 times in that song, and i've probably listened to that album 30-40 times by now.