
Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
NAD said:
Danzig 4p
This is my #2 album of all time so it's no surprise I'd recommend it, but you may want to look into it as ADKOS shares the overall gloomy and black nature of this album. And no, nothing on here sounds like Mother, this marked a whole new era for Danzig. ;)
This album is phenomenal. This household (and car) gets that played a lot these days. It is gloomy (but nothing 'doom-like' as such), and it is very 'black' in the way it sounds. I wouldn't even know where to begin reviewing something like this, because it's so difficult to pigeon-hole it, which is a good thing. NAD - ever attempted to write a review for it?

Anyway, I want more Danzig - although 4p is like an entire album collection all unto itself. I find it hard to imagine listening to other Danzig when you already have 4p....
TEH WIIIIIN!!!!!1111111111

Oh man I am so glad you like it!!! As far as writing a review for it, someday yes. Get Danzig III - How the Gods Kill, it is very dark like 4p, but in a blues/rock setting. From there you could go any direction, but one reason why 4p is so damn special is that none of his other work sounds like it. I'm guessing you would like 777 as well, everything about that album screams horror movie. Some weak moments, but some really good ones too.

Or you could just go ape poopy like me, I currently have 24 Danzig CDs. :D
NAD said:
I'm guessing you would like 777 as well, everything about that album screams horror movie.
Sold. :D

Or you could just go ape poopy like me, I currently have 24 Danzig CDs. :D
Going ape poopy is not having 24 Danzig CD's. It's pausing Battle Royale to get back into the forum. What are you, nuts? Get back to the movie.
Haha, I had to take a break, that shit's intense! Thinking about some more coffee too, I am becoming reacquainted with an old drug of mine... :Smokedev:
Battle Royale is intense. All to the sounds of Wagner as well. It's a beautiful thing.

By the way, what 24 CD's of Danzig do you own? Are most of those bootlegs?
Just finished the movie. Damn. That was really good. Banned in America? Why, because the people killing each other are young and people are too paranoid about Columbine? I love the priorities in this country. :Smug:

Anywho, here's my list:

Misfits boxset (4 discs)
Samhain boxset (5 discs)
II - Lucifuge
III - How the Gods Kill
III - How the Gods Kill (VHS boxset)
Dirty Black Summer single (has one extremely hard to find song, was worth the $30 I paid on eBay alone)
Black Aria
Thrall - Demonsweatlive
4p - (symbols translate to White Devil Rise [edit: no, they translate to DANZIG, White Devil Rise was the working title. Trivia brainfart.])
5 - Blackacidevil
5 - Blackacidevil internet only release (purple)
5 - Blackacidevil (re-release with bonus tracks)
6:66 - Satan's Child (limited edition w/ Martin Edmond artwork)
6:66 - Satan's Child (German sparkle edition)
Unspeakable single
Live On the Black Hand Side (2CD)
777 - I Luciferi

The only song I am missing is his cover of You and Me from the Less Than Zero soundtrack (I have the mp3 though, and it sucks), and the Misfits - Walk Among Us which has different recordings of songs I already have on the boxset. Also, I don't have the Sacrifice EP or the Crow III soundtrack but these just have remixes.

Yeah, I'm a Danzig nut. :loco:

EDIT: I also have the Danzig home video and the Archive de la Morte DVD, which is posolutely the worst fucking DVD in all of existence. :mad:
Well, I can say that I have both the Misfits and Samhain boxsets. I don't really listen to the Samhain box much to be honest, but the Misfits box is a must own. And NAD, you should get Walk Among Us. It's different enough to be a must have.

I find this Danzig solo talk to be interesting because I thought it was general knowledge amongst myself and everyone I knew not to touch any Danzig after III (those first three all being gems). Black Aria is laughable and I've always thought that everything else is bad bad bad (including 4). The enthusiasm shown here vexes me to a point where I think I may download it out of curiousity being that I haven't heard it in years.
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JayKeeley! Do not go for anything after 4! The first 3 Danzig's are the only good ones. If you think 4 is good, you must get the first 3. My favorite is 'III - How the Gods Kill'. Awesome Giger art on it as well.
I gotta disagree. I and II are nothing like 4p and only loosely related to III musically speaking. Very good albums mind you, but different. Just flat out rock with touches of blues here and there.

5 is techno, plain and simple. I love it because it has a very strange mood, but I hated it for years. The power of the song Ashes is undeniable though, one of Glenn's finest vocal performances.

6:66 sucks ass. Thirteen is one of the best songs ever done by anyone, but everything else is dumb (except maybe Lilin, which has a cool ending).

777 rules. It's not as good as I - 4p, but it is still damn good. Horror rock, the album reeks of fake blood and bad special effects, it's awesome.

I'm sure Walk Among Us will be purchased soon enough, but thanks for the extra nudge. ;)

EDIT: Samhain boxset is okay, but that whole era represents a transition between punk and rock/metal, which... ehhhh. The Misfits boxset is essential for anyone, those are the best pop-based songs since the Beatles.
NAD said:
Just finished the movie. Damn. That was really good. Banned in America? Why, because the people killing each other are young and people are too paranoid about Columbine?
That's exactly what the problem is. Movies about schoolkids killing each other is a big 'no-no' here, especially since Columbine. They even banned a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode once. I'm not sure whether this all applies to literature as well though - did they pull "Lord of the Flies" from school curricula?

It's ironic because I think American's would see the spoof in Battle Royale more than anyone else to be honest.
I read Lord of the Flies for my freshman english class back in... '93 I guess. It's probably banned now. Americans can be counted on for knee jerk reactions, don't confuse that for a quick wit.

I still haven't seen Heathers!!!
I will admit to not having heard a ton of Danzig's solo material other than what was on MTV.

But as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing that could even come close to the Misfits, so why bother?
Well, technically speaking, the Misfits were Danzig's solo material as well. Every note of every Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig songs were written by him. Just saying. :D
I think I will start with the first Danzig album, just to see where it all began...(post Misfits etc). Also, didn't James Hetfield appear on that s/t album?
No. Unless he's an uncreditted performer...? Let me check the bible right quick.

James Hetfield:background vocals (songs 1, 7)

Holy crap! In my best Ed McMahon voice: "I did not know that!" I wonder if he's in the liner notes and I just never read them... :lol:

http://www.misfitscentral.com = the bible. It is ridiculous the amount of info they have there, I should really spend more time reading it. :loco:

EDIT: And oh yeah, good choice. Many consider that Danzig's finest moment. She Rides is to frickin' die for, I still hear that played in strip clubs. :Smokedev:
NAD said:
Holy crap! In my best Ed McMahon voice: "I did not know that!" I wonder if he's in the liner notes and I just never read them... :lol:
Ahh, student becomes teacher....

No! My kung fu is better than your kung fu. *dragon whips his tail* Whoopeesh!