D20 - Yes Sir, The Check is in the Mail


May 19, 2008
Wrote and recorded a new track this weekend. I got the Joe Barresi Evil Drums SDX half off not too long ago and thought i would give them a go. I also used the Electronic EZX as well in this. Guitars are my Axe Fx Ultra using the FAS Modern amp for guitars and the bass is 3 tracks of my Spector bass. Sansamp/Axe Fx/Ampeg SVX. This song will probably end up as a song my band The Icarus Effect will use.

Hope you guys enjoy!!! Feedback is always welcome!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1046513/Yes Sir, The Check is in the Mail.mp3
Agreed on the guitars sounding artificial. I think the intro could be lo-fi'd and dropped in volume a bit so that when the second guitar comes in the frequencies open up and you get kicked right in the dick with sound. But that's just assuming you want to kick people in the dick with music.
There's clipping throughout the song, and you seem to have turned all the knobs to 11 for drums and guitars. I believe you can get better tones out of axe fx, there's too many things going on in high mid range.
Sounds good, though the guitar tone does sound a bit artificial to me.

Right on! I've been working on the guitar tone a bit more lately.

Agreed on the guitars sounding artificial. I think the intro could be lo-fi'd and dropped in volume a bit so that when the second guitar comes in the frequencies open up and you get kicked right in the dick with sound. But that's just assuming you want to kick people in the dick with music.

Thanks for the input!! Oh that is totally what i want to do with the music! :rock:

PLEASE tell me the song title is a Big Trouble in Little China Reference...

It sure is!!!!!!!!!!!! Best movie ever!!!