Dad, take your cam. We need a music-video ...CraPcore inside

Spoof in hair...check
Black v-neck t-shirt...check
Black jeans...check
choreographed constipation...check
Mesa gear...check
Growl, scream, sing straight with heavily processessed vocals...check

yep that about sums it up for me, I mean each to their long as they are happy thats all that matters
i'd say who cares. it is pure shit but who cares. they are having fun. probably more than we are sitting her arm chairing it while they are doing it. theres someone to despise every style and genre of music. you cant please all the people all the time. Id recommend if you truly hate something, let it go. leave it alone maybe it will go away like a really bad fart. posting about it, ranting to no end just fuels their publicity.
Much better than you guys are making it out to be.

I wish the kids I taught were as talented as these guys

If there was no film clip I doubt it would be getting so much hate.....
I'm so sick of shitty music like this... but I guess i'd rather hear this than other shitty music put out by kesha, brittney spears, kanye, etc. I put this stuff in the same catagory as that kind of 'music' and simply ignore it. If we stop paying attention to it, maybe it will go away. *crosses fingers*

Just so you don't feel bad about it, they just got signed to victory records.

edit: Nevermind - I see it got its own thread.
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This whole crabcore-thing isn't a made up joke? I haven't seen/heard crabcore before... I wanna rip my ears off and drown myself. HOLY crap - the world is coming to an end.
Singer here
The kick is the truth black and gold of joey sturgis sample sets

I am actually pleased to see our video up here and to read your comments.
The title is not so far off either, except there was no dad. This was originally for a school project and I've edited it myself, hence the relatively bad production as it was my first time editing video.

Obviously we make music, as everyone with another goals than money, because it's fun. But a flamestorm can't be avoided when you take to the the internet showing people yourself having a good time.
Anyways, thanks to everybody taking the time to watch the video even though some of you didn't enjoy it, and take the time to judge our album in its entirely on may 28th through a free download at

On another note, the album is recorded, mixed and mastered completely in my bedroom, but I'm quite happy with how it turned out.

Mikael, Hollows