D'addario Chrome Strings

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
So I decided to start trying out lighter guitar strings. I go to Guitar Center and the guy mentions these D'addario Chrome strings that I should try. So I say fuck it, let's fukn do it. So I take them home and try them out.


I might as well have given the guy $5 dollars and let him kick me in the nuts.

I have been real happy with DRs. Both the tite-fit and the hi-beam versions
I have heard somebody say something like that about DRs before....but In my own experience I have not seen intonation problems or inconsistancies from them. I will agree that D'Addario is my second choice for strings.
I tried a few brands and type of strings in the years (I play guitar since 1993) and I settled with D'addario XLs (various gauges depending on tunings).

Never had the urge to try others.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

It may not be true for everything in life but on this matter it's a good quote.
