
Somber Soul

Oct 12, 2001
What's up with that?

For non-Norwegian speakers: two members of an apparently world-famous Norwegian band got arrested after a concert in Toronto after they've been accused of having raped a woman in their tour bus. No names have been mentioned. There are just those two pics of the men in question with mosaics on their faces.
It's the two Satyricon session guitarists, as far as I know.
Could just as well be a case of a groupie who was too drunk to know what she was doing. Of course it could just as well be that she was indeed raped. The rest of Satyricon (which would be Satyr and Joey Jordison (Frost isn't allowed to travel to the States :p)) left for home, thus cancelling the rest of the tour.
OK, thanks. I wouldn't have recognized the band from the two pictures. I was just curious, that's all.
well after the bullshit what gorgoroth have done in poland (or were accused) it seems that black metal is going to criminal again.
perhaps its a mistake I dont know
But I dont think satyricon are gonna tour canada again this century :)
I missed a Dissection gig recently, one where we were joking about how "You'd be lucky to survive that gig" etc... just winding up our mates. My other friend went, and there was an intense attitude apparently. We were just kidding, not thinking it was really going to be a collection of supremists. A massive debate started up before Dissection went on, where the crowd were complaining there was a mosque next door, saying the owner of Rios is a 'faggot rag head' etc. Not only that but a chinese member of the audience was subject to insults and harassment, being told she didnt belong at this 'gathering'. Dissection kind of insited some shit apparently, saying stuff like "you and I know, people should fear the rebirth of Dissection".

Loads of cultish satanic crap has been in the news aswell, like in the local region people have been desecrating Muslim graves (Something one member of Dissection was imprisoned for)... but it clearly isnt just vandalism, it's also things like putting pig heads on spikes and sticking them over the graves of islamic corpses. I thought all the racist supremist shite (abundant in black metal) died in the early 90's.

also relating to the gig, people were boycotting Asian taxi drivers, and telling other people not to get in taxis driven by coloured people. There was a series of assaults outside the club, one on a 16 year old boy (although as far as I'm aware none of these were race related).

I honestly thought people had grown up a bit. It makes me sick to know people worship the lead singer of Dissection because he's desecrated graves and murdered transfestites, rather than because He's made legendary albums.

I thought this was interesting. Sums up all the shit people in black metal bands have done and how the music has influenced idiots to burn churches and all that crap. It pissed me off reading it, but still quite educational.

EDIT: I didt read the conclusion on the above essay, just a couple of the incidents listed. After reading the conclusion I can tell you the guy who wrote this is a cock... but still the list of crazy shit is there incase you care to read it.
as I have the book I know most of the things there
its an interesting book but bad written and organised. but quite cool entertainement
dont take it to seriously

@king chaos: your report makes me wonder because if you go to www.dissection.nu
the first thing you see is this satement of the band:

There have been rumours and allegations surrounding the band and I, we want our fans to know and to make it a point that it is not and never has been part of our policy or philosophy to be a part of racism and what it stands for. Dissection is a SATANIC band and the REBIRTH OF DISSECTION tour is our focus into bringing all our ANTI-COSMIC METAL OF DEATH!(Question what is this anticosmicthing? lol)

but it seems that lots of people arent able to read what their favorite band tells them.
anothe reason for me not to listen to dissection...

and for the cock writing the black list:
the idea of believing in god means being against metal is the biggest bullshit out here.
what is with great and hard bands like extol, lengsel, crimson moonlight, as I lay dying???these guys are blamed because they decided to play metal???very mercyfull of these so called christians.fuck you
I read about this on Blabbermouth, I wish I could post cos there was one hilarious
post there:

cesar@obliteration.net said:
When I saw the headline, I imagined one of them raping a child. Just like Gorgoroth,
Satyricon likes little boys. This bad should have called it a day after Nemesis Divina.
Pussy "black metal" is all I hear from them. Rott in jail! Lock them up in a jail in NY
where they will get butt raped.

I went to the bands site and downloaded their demo.

And sure enough they suck ass and sound like any other shitty death metal band
that thinks they are doing something original, that is to say, they sound like any
other death band.

But of course they are extreme and cool, cos it rocks to sound like shit :lol:

And "New York Death Metal" :lol: gimme a fucking break.

And btw, for crying out loud, quit saying it was members of Satyricon who did this,
the is 2 members to Satyricon and thats Satyr and Frost. Period. The rest are session
players and have nothing to do with the music outside of the concerts.
@KC: Actually, I understand the church burnings. Christians came and raped our countries, which were pagan. If you don't know what that means, well. For me, personally: A church is a disgrace on our soil, and they're like a thorn in my eyes. Everything they stand for disgusts me, so I don't mind people burning them. It's vengeance on behalf of your forefathers who were outnumbered by the christian missionarys. Who cares? People who think this is silly they don't have any character, no stance, they just like to float between. That's fine with me, i'm atheist really, but don't complain because someone doesn't like christians. Freedom of religion: WHO CARES! They took over everything and tried to dictate and rule people's life.

But as for worshipping Dissections singer because of a murder: Yeah, that's fucked up and silly. Worship the music, not some shabby murder.
Read the first paragraph of that article just now: "Metal (also known as Black or Goth Metal, Shock Rock, or Grindcore)". Later on Darkthrone, Cradle of Filth and Burzum are mentioned as death metal bands. I don't appreciate bad research.
I think it even says somewhere that they were kind of the first Death Metal band. I also marvel at the fact how in one sentence the music is called death metal while in the next it is referred to as black metal and then as death metal again. And just so you know: Rammstein are a German techno death metal band. :lol
Lost To Apathy said:
@KC: Actually, I understand the church burnings. Christians came and raped our countries, which were pagan. If you don't know what that means, well. For me, personally: A church is a disgrace on our soil, and they're like a thorn in my eyes. Everything they stand for disgusts me, so I don't mind people burning them. It's vengeance on behalf of your forefathers who were outnumbered by the christian missionarys. Who cares? People who think this is silly they don't have any character, no stance, they just like to float between. That's fine with me, i'm atheist really, but don't complain because someone doesn't like christians. Freedom of religion: WHO CARES! They took over everything and tried to dictate and rule people's life.

Well I agree also. Apart from the fact that times have changed to a point where people can pretty much believe what they want in our countries. People dont go to jail because of their beliefs, they go to jail for murdering people as an effect of their beliefs.
Holding a grudge on behalf of some forfathers that died centuries, possibly millenia ago is pretty sad. Yeah sure if you're a pagan, mourn for them, but dont kill people that blindly worship a god, unawares of what their church did to your people so long ago. People that preach about their religion and force it on to others piss me off, but not as much as people who dessecrate, rape and murder for a God they cant even be sure exists. All religions are pretty much guilty in some form of these things.

Were you implying I was complaining because someone doesnt like christians? I dont give a shit what anyone believes. Catholics and christians iritate me no end because they walk through life pretty much blind, claiming they are the only ones with their eyes open. I dont like it when people cant go see a band without it falling into some fascist satanic ceremony.