Dam Xtianz... er.. wait....

Assholes. This is yet another reason I don't like religion. You have to be a special piece of shit to want to kill another human over a drawing. :(
I really don't give a fuck as to how insensitive this sounds (get off your liberal activists superior high horses Europeans) but just drop a nuke on the middle east, at first these guys were just annoying, now it just fucking retarded. That whole religion should just be wiped off the face of the earth.
I really don't give a fuck as to how insensitive this sounds (get off your liberal activists superior high horses Europeans) but just drop a nuke on the middle east, at first these guys were just annoying, now it just fucking retarded. That whole religion should just be wiped off the face of the earth.

Funnily enough, i had a very vivid dream a few nights ago where Aliens had made contact with Humans and were undertaking a program of extermination of religious people.

quite amusing really :)

and the aliens were really awesome, none of this ET shit.
Funnily enough, i had a very vivid dream a few nights ago where Aliens had made contact with Humans and were undertaking a program of extermination of religious people.

quite amusing really :)

and the aliens were really awesome, none of this ET shit.

haha. What i said maybe harsh but humans/society has to realize that we are animalistic, that we must get off of our high moral pseudo-intellectual thinking and realize that we will never get a long. The way I see it though is this. When two countries go to war with each other civilians are killed in crossfire, hell the military is told to devastate a country they go to, including killing women and children to make the country government surrender sooner (look at the Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we killed over 200,000 innocent people in the country just to make the country surrender). The way I look at it, if an innocent person is going to die then their death should not be in vain, it should have served a purpose. At the end of the day all the innocent lives will be wasted if we left the middle east now simply because there are still extremists who will after time repopulate to the size they were before the war and all the civilians and soldiers that dies would have been wasted since the war would be a complete failure.

Hadn't we softened up as a nation (US and EU) for the September 11 attacks we would have just bombed the shit out of them until they surrendered. It worked for Japan, they stopped what they were doing, and it would have worked for the middle east. In order for there to be peace their must be war, and a culture/society that condemns and terrorizes the majority with unjustified death should be wiped of this planet. If we only eliminate the extremists now, it will only be a matter of time before the teachings of more peaceful people who still hate the western world that their decedents will create the next extremist group that will cause yet another war and the death of more innocent people.

This isn't the time to go on about human rights, that is an illusion that we have created to feel intellectual superiority, and it has done nothing more but cause more bloodshed by the people who don't care. Human rights activist cause more violence because anti-groups know that the group they are attacking is soft, and weak because they won't defend themselves on the idea that defending themselves is insensitive to other people's rights. Again human rights is an illusion and in the end only weakens us to defend ourselves to groups and nations who don't have, don't care or don't want human rights.
I think at some point you realize that you have crossed the point of no return, and the only way to course correct is to wipe the board and start again. The Christians should agree with this on principle, since their God is said to have done it to the entire planet. If there is one thing we should gain from the bible it's that nuking the middle east would be beneficial for all of mankind.
I am at a complete fucking loss of words after reading this.

I, honestly, do NOT know what to think or say about this. The world is spiraling downward every day, and all we can do is sit back and watch.
But the guy is so lacking in the downstairs department I doubt he's gonna be able to fuck himself.
Hope the cunt gets fucking raped by elephants or some cunt just throws him off a bridge.
And no I do not give a shit how callous that sounds.
what i find ironic is that they think that they can get interpol to arrest him and bring him to Pakistan to face the charges. For starters he did something that was not a crime in the country that he is from/lives in and was currently at when the event took place, just because it is against the law their, does not mean they can force everyone around the world to follow their laws, they truly believe that they can police the world with their laws and that everyone has to abide by them.

The UN and Interpol is going to laugh their asses off at them for even thinking that.
Pakistan isn't in the middle-east ;) But yeah, appalling to see such barbarism written in such civilized terms and upheld in a court of law, the irony would be funny if it weren't true (now it's just sickening)
I really don't give a fuck as to how insensitive this sounds (get off your liberal activists superior high horses Europeans) but just drop a nuke on the middle east, at first these guys were just annoying, now it just fucking retarded. That whole religion should just be wiped off the face of the earth.

Im on!
Lets make a fuckin' glass crater out of the middle east(But save the kebab first!)!