Damian Wilson & Band

Setlist October 9th 2009, Boerderij Zoetermeer:

Forever Young
King Arthur
Into The Black Hole
Starship Trooper

Build My World
Please Don't Leave Me
One Life
Nothing Without You
Quietly Spoken
She's Like A Fable
When I leave This Land

Solitary Witness
Castle Hall
Best Years
Sanity's End

If You Want Blood
So I got to Zoetermeer a couple of minutes and had a beer at the bar. Met up with Jaime and Henk, and around 20:25 we figured it was time to head on over to the main area for the gig. We shuffled up quite close to the stage, a bit off to the right, even though we went in that close to the starting time (20:30). At 20:30 exactly Damian storms on stage in his usual enthusiastic way, but wearing track pants of a certain brand that, he assured us, was not sponsoring him for the gig. He went on saying that he wasn't ready yet, asking us for forgiveness and rushing back off stage assuring us that it won't be long and that his brother would entertain us in the mean time.

A few minutes later Paul Wilson enters the stage and starts performing some of Damian's songs. He did an amazing job! He stood there on stage, perhaps a bit uncomfortable, but having a genuinely good time judging by the reactions he gave to the audience loudly applauding after every song. He even took a request from someone in the audience as well. After every song he kept looking towards the side of the stage, where the tourmanager kept telling him to keep on going. Eventually after 3-4 songs he exited, stage right, loudly applauded by all that were present. Mere minutes later the band started playing and Damian bounced back on stage.

It so happened that a certain Arjen Anthony Lucassen was present, and he was called to the front, hugged by Damian and spoken to for a while (asked for the first words of the first verse of Into The Black Hole) before the band started playing the first few notes of Into The Black Hole. Of which not only Damian, but Arjen as well and the entire audience (or so Damian claims) forgot the words of the first verse of!

To sum up the rest of the gig: there was a large accoustic section in the middle during which an amazing piano/keyboard player took the stage with Damian (and his brother), during which they performed a lot of Damian's solo stuff (see the setlist in the post of the previous guy). Jokes were cracked throughout, Damian was sung happy bday to, and the atmosphere was all in all very friendly and almost homely. Damian even inquired of the audience if they knew if Jimmy Hendrix ever had to tune his guitar as much as he did.

All in all it was an amazing show, with all of the band taking the time to drink a beer (or coke in Christopher's case) with the crowd and everyone going home (eventually) with a very satisfying evening behind them.

I'd like to thank Leon and Alex for taking me along to Utrecht by car, btw :P I managed to catch a bus from there, so I didn't have to walk :P
I'm sure much better pictures were made yesterday but here's two of mine.

Damian with his brother Paul

Damian posing for pictures :p
A few minutes later Paul Wilson enters the stage and starts performing some of Damian's songs. He did an amazing job! He stood there on stage, perhaps a bit uncomfortable, but having a genuinely good time judging by the reactions he gave to the audience loudly applauding after every song. He even took a request from someone in the audience as well. After every song he kept looking towards the side of the stage, where the tourmanager kept telling him to keep on going. Eventually after 3-4 songs he exited, stage right, loudly applauded by all that were present. Mere minutes later the band started playing and Damian bounced back on stage.

All in all it was an amazing show, with all of the band taking the time to drink a beer (or coke in Christopher's case) with the crowd and everyone going home (eventually) with a very satisfying evening behind them.

I'd like to thank Leon and Alex for taking me along to Utrecht by car, btw :P I managed to catch a bus from there, so I didn't have to walk :P

I saw Adam's Child wasn't on the list so i went for the best alternative...

As for riding along, you are most welcome
The Setlist for Uden was

Forever Young
King Arthur
Into The Black Hole
Starship Trooper

*Song i don't know the title of*
Build My World
Please Don't Leave Me
One Life
Nothing Without You
She's Like A Fable
When I leave This Land

Solitary Witness
Castle Hall (featuring Marjan Wellman of Autumn)
Best Years
Sanity's End

Johny B Good
If You Want Blood

pics of yesterdays birthdayparty/ afterparty

concert pics will follow later
Here are my pics of the show in Zoetermeer on Friday:




hope you don't mind a little word of advice. Upload a selection, it gives your pictures a better presentation. Burst is a great feature to get a good picture, bet it will look better if you discard the lesses ones.

Besides it's hard to go through large slidehows..

Other than that nice pics, looks like you adjusted your camera to a better shutter priority after the first shots. As the hands become sharp:hypno:
That's one big friggin' piece of cake :lol:

Glad it was a good show. I would have killed to go but I don't have enough vacation time saved up to do it and Sonata Arctica in November.

Then again, it's not like I've never seen him live as a solo artist :)
Just wanted to say thank you very much to Damian, his band and his crew! It was an absolutely amazing and memorable show in Zoetermeer, and I am happy to have been there!

It was a very fun show, with a great setlist. Praying Mantis' "Best Years" was a great surprise. Such a good song! Just how long has Damian been with Praying Mantis? I can't find any information on it beside somewhere in 2005 he did vocals on their tour. I don't think there's a Mantis (live)album with Damian, is there? I really loved Solitary Witness (though I still hoped for Ta'Jiang!), and the Ayreon songs were grand as always (good idea to invite Robert Soeterboek ;) ).

Good show with the acoustic solo-music set, too. I'm surprised I hadn't hear of Paul or Nick before, being amazing musicians as well. Does everyone that gets in touch with Damian turn golden like that? ^_^ I and other people in the audience did think the acoustic stuff lasted a bit too long, though, so for next time, maybe you should invite the whole band on stage sooner and play more solo stuff with the full band (7 people in this case, including Nick and Paul). Just a friendly suggestion. :)

Of course there were a few mistakes, like Damian dropping his mic after the first line in "King Arthur", but it was more funny than anything else. I guess it can be edited out of the DVD (like they did with Shadowland), but maybe leaving it in will be even better. The humor did make the show even more fun than it already was. Not like anyone's going to like Damian any less because he missed a line! :p

In any case, thank you very very much, and I really am very much looking forward to the DVD. Will there be CD's included with the DVD as well? I hope so. I would enjoy having the full concert as audio-only as well.

Oh, and Dirk (DWB drummer), thanks for the stick. :rock:

It so happened that a certain Arjen Anthony Lucassen was present, and he was called to the front, hugged by Damian and spoken to for a while (asked for the first words of the first verse of Into The Black Hole) before the band started playing the first few notes of Into The Black Hole. Of which not only Damian, but Arjen as well and the entire audience (or so Damian claims) forgot the words of the first verse of!

Heh, I knew the words, but was shy...
Couldn't very well sing along after that! *laughs*

there was a large accoustic section in the middle during which an amazing piano/keyboard player took the stage with Damian (and his brother).

His name's Nick Slack, if I'm right. Couldn't find the exact spelling anywhere.

Here are my pics of the show in Zoetermeer on Friday:

Should upload mine, too.