Dammit!!! (Megadeth BBers read)


Ward Is My Shepherd
Jan 23, 2002
New Orleans, LA
Visit site
Yesterday, I changed my E-mail to an @ironmaiden.com account and never received my password! I E-mailed the admin yesterday and have yet to get a response. Today I re-registered as Dedset2 (really clever, huh?:rolleyes: ) and also used an @ironmaiden.com address (figuring this was a one-time thing, and also curious to see what would happen), and you guessed it, no password. WTF! If they didn't accept addresses from there, it would have said so. This really sucks, you guys know what digital heroin that place can be. Any suggestions on what I should do now?

Thanks guys.
The megadeth board is great... But i stopped going there a while ago, a few too many newbie-assholes for my liking.
I like going there, I don't like posting...people talk about really dumb stuff there, and well it just loses its taste after a while. I like the board overall, I think it's one of the best on the net. Though Dave M. hasn't post on it for a while :cry:

Speaking of which I got the remastered KIMB-ABIG, damn, awesome sound really fun to listen to...Couldn't go to sleep that night...got into a metal high
Dude... take note of what he said

"what a pussy. Stop whining"

...And now you're having a go at me.

Originally posted by Dedset
I have one, but the Deth board does not accept them.

My fiancee used her address from an msn affiliate which allows you to choose your email address. Her ending is @cheerful.com. I have no idea where she signed up for that free account though. Try a yahoo mail account to sign on to the Deth boards.

Ive been using the maiden email address for a long time now, alot before the megadeth one came out and to be honest, the deth mail has been nothing but trouble

The maiden one is alot better service. Maybe your just having bit of bad luck, but once you get it sorted it should be alright.
Ah, i wasn't much of a poster, more of a lurker mainly.

I had a few (this was on their last site-design, the CW one i think, or maybe even the one before. *shrug* a long time ago) different names. I haven't posted there for years.

Suffer In Truth
Suffer in Trust.