Damn Another Forum..

Apr 3, 2005
Another forum where theres like two posts a day. We have to get more people on here. I know theres a shitload of people who like Saint. Same thing with Testament, so if you like Testament even a little bit, please post on the forum.

Does seem awefully quite on this board don't it?
I'm a Saint fan from waaaay back :wave:
Equal Thrax and Saint so I was extremely happy when Bush joined Thrax it was the best of both worlds for me!
Course I am enjoying the reunion also, and am trying not to think to much more about the future of all this.
I'd like to see more action in here as well.
Not much action in the Testament forum either???
Fucken A! I missed the one off Phoenix show and I am freaking to see the Saint live and in tact. If news of new Recording gets confirmed I will shit myself.