Damn I´m addicted to coffee!!!!

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Todays morning I realized I went out of coffee so I told myself "fuck that I drink orange juice instead" but my day was hell, I did nothing!!!!!
I feel all day tired but I slept over 8 hours straight.....

Anybody sharing my addiction?

I´m lost without coffee and cigarettes :)

love it, 10p a cup at work, its not so much an addiction to coffee perse, its more a need for caffeine to keep me going, but its damn tasty instant coffee...
I just quit smoking so it's no longer coffee and cigarettes for me, but I've tried and failed to stop drinking coffee, I love it too much. haha
You quit smoking Gareth? Good man.
I quit a while ago, I feel better now.
I also started eating heaps of fruit lately, and it's made a huge difference to my energy levels and general well being.

I go through phases of caffeine addiction, but I can usually break the habit fairly easily. I might drink caffeine related things everyday for a month but then I'll just stop when I want, so maybe it's not true addiction
fuck it i quit quitting, its the only thing ive ever succesfully quit, plus when i drink coffee i have to smoke, its the same as drinking a beer i always feel the need to light up.
I think you should quit. It´s not that hard actually. At least wasn´t for me.

I'm good at quitting...I've quit ciggarettes at least 5 times now, going for 6 soon.

Coffee...I can probably count on one hand how many times I've missed a morning without it in the past, I dunno, 6 or 7 years.
I drink 1 cup each day, and thats in the morning.. i dont know how you are supposed to wake the fuck up without it!
Yeah, I love drinking coffee too much. I can go at least a couple days without (haven't tried more) but I don't really see a reason why I should. I've started drinking it with milk recently, don't really know why, just for a change I guess. Before that I always drank it black.
I'm definitely addicted. Not only am I more productive when I have my caffeine in the morning - but if I don't, I get the most splitting headache you can imagine.

I can quit if I live with a 12-hour long headache but inevitably I go back to it within a few days.