Damn it!


Sleeping With Ghosts
Jun 11, 2002
Who does really know what Anathema means?
I laughed me head off when i saw Matrix Revolutions.It was about 5 times that someone shouted "Damn it!" or "god damn it" and it was translated in greek as "Anathema!Anathema!" :lol:

So except for the literal meaning of the greek word "anathema" which means being officially banned by the church,in everyday language it also means "damn it".I laughed tho at the selection of the word,which is kinda picturesque(as it is a bit dated),as the sentence could have been translated else.Ah well,anathema!
yeah. them daft translators. they should be killed like.

maybe they're promoting the band tho...
I've seen another definition than that "biblical curse" thing that seemed logical to me. Something like a theme your against or someone or something you want nothing to do with "Portishead comparisons are an anathema to me". i even saw it used like that recently, don't remember where exactly.
@Allan you;re right about this.Tho,this definition of the word is more "intellectual" in modern greek and generally i s'pose.i love the 56 views,5 answers thing in this thread :erk:
Excommunication is being thrown out and banned by the church.

We're spoiling the mystery of the name here, probably the reason for the lack of replies as well.