Damn, this was a bitch to type up

1. Change the band name to "A Tr00 Poo"
2. Start a new genre called "Fecal Metal".
3. Sing about shit, anuses and corn.
4. ?????
5. Profit.

You don't seem to know the dark abysses of the metal genre, right? Ever heard of Sons of Tarantula? I would post the link, but I would get banned for it because pics of a band pissing on stage probably aren't allowed here. :)
:lol::lol::lol: There's crap that can be used as example and that won't get you banned, like for example COB's 2006 European support Ektomorf, THE most boring band I've ever come across in my whole damn life. What a shit attempt of copying Sepultura but a bit harder. Even Bloodsimple when they came with Slayer were more entretaining (but it probably was because the bass player spent the whole gig slapping and hitting the bass with his fist and we were like ''WTF is this dude doing??'').
I would rather hear the death rattle of my ONLY child, then listen to that fucking shit.
Seriously though, if someone was like "hey check out this band!" and I listened to some of their stuff and I enjoyed it, and then I went on their myspace and read that shit I would be like "wankers" and never listen to them again.
Seriously though, if someone was like "hey check out this band!" and I listened to some of their stuff and I enjoyed it, and then I went on their myspace and read that shit I would be like "wankers" and never listen to them again.

Would you honestly? Who's the pretentious cunt now? :loco: If the music is good who cares how stupid/retarded/asshole/cocky the band is.

You don't seem to know the dark abysses of the metal genre, right? Ever heard of Sons of Tarantula? I would post the link, but I would get banned for it because pics of a band pissing on stage probably aren't allowed here. :)

tldr All I read was "We are Atropos, and we intend..."

Btw isn't Atropos the name of the Bane Elemental character in Warcraft III?
lol, it's actually the greek deity of death (how original? :lol:)
That was pretty fuckin pretentious.
i know, i'll probably make him re-write it, i've told him before not to get too cocky
Pack your views into the lyrics or liner notes. As an ad, it won't work because noone will read it (plus, I agree with Josh that it's pretty pretentious).

The end, where you describe your band, is ok. BUT make shure that you guys are really like described. If you are amateurs ( and tbh, judging by the stuff I heard from you yet, you ARE amateurs) in songwriting and playing, these sentences are pure bragging. Especially the other bands in the local area will laugh at you if you praise yourself in the highest words. And at the beginning, it's very important to stick together with these other bands, otherwise, nothing will work. Believe me, I know that.

i was trying to tell joe (my guitarist and the dude that wrote that) that we needed to focus on getting in the local inner-circle and expand from there but, he's a bit hard headed. also, as for the song i posted, i don't even plan on using that for Atropos, it's under-par compared to the rest of our songs.

as for the whole "trying to be in the tr00 kvlt" everyone in my band is a huge black metal fanatic except for me. they also don't listen to death metal. luckily, i write the songs so i decide the genre :lol: