Damnation or Deliverance


New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2005
Out of curiosity, which album to you prefer, or do you love them both the same. When I first heard Opeth, I was really into the lighter side of there music. Beautiful ballad's, soaring solo's and haunting melodies ^_^ Slowly I was weened into Deliverance though, and all their harder material alike, and I realized that everything I loved in the lighter music still came through, yet it was harder, darker, more intense, which I realized I loved too.

I suppouse my preference between the two change's from time to time, but at the moment I love Deliverance.

And also, does Mikael actually post here? Eeee I fear I'm at risk of being reduced to a giggling band-aide.
I'd go with Deliverance too. Damnation is a great album but I never really sit down and listen to it, I usually just pop it in when I'm sleeping or when my mind is somewhere else.
I was obsessed with Damnation when I first got it so I probably just overplayed it.

Mike posts every now and then under the name Mikael Akerfeldt...I think think his e-bay
thread is still on the front page
I prefer Damnation myself, but they're both incredibly brilliant... they kind of work better as a double album, and I usually listen to them back-to-back.
Damnation, don't really care for deliverance much. Nothing wrong w/ Deliverance just not as good as there other stuff.
Deliverance with friends. Everyone will jump up and go all 80s style for "Master's Apprentices", every time, without fail. I swear between me and about 5 friends we've listened to the whole album at least 300 times.

Damnation when it rains. I got left on a rainy day after listening to Damnation, afterwards I put "Hope Leaves" on repeat again for about an hour, and now I can only listen to it when it rains, and I do every single time it does.
Moonlapse said:
Damnation. It wasn't trying to be something that it's not.

You really feel strongly about this whole idea of Opeth stretching out ideas because they have to, to create the music they are expected to make
Damnation, reminds me of the best things about the 70's, ninetys bands like Anathema, and even bits of the band air. I was an Opeth fan before Damnation, but it came at a right time in my life, i was moving away from old things and it helped. I used to regularly walk through a park near where i lived at the time, it was usually really wet and cold (at the ass of the world winter is like a frozen glacier that gets rained on) and it was nice. The lyrics, esepcially hope leaves and death wispered a lullaby, paint nice pictures in my head.
Spent alot of time by mydelf listening to: Pink Floyd - Obscured by clouds, Opeth - Damnation, Anathema - A fine day to exit and My dying bride - 37.88%, its was proably the best year of my life.
Both great albums, if i had to pick it would be Deliverance, more true to their sound. On the other side Damnation is quite a unique album and i'd like to see another one of these pop up in the future. Nobody can mix darkness and beauty like Opeth does, plus it's kind of a kick in the face to commercial music in a way if you think about it. they make an acoustic that whips the asses off of any commercial crap band out there, heh.
I vote for Damnation.

it's more personal, there are more emotions passing through me. i prefer Damnation (the album) than the first set in Lamentations. don't know why...
Dark Thane said:
they make an acoustic that whips the asses off of any commercial crap band out there, heh.
that's because they are fucking awesome musicians and seem to be in it for the artistic value. i can see the five of them playing damnation in their garage if the label wouldn't have had any of it.

tangent: i was listening to Alison Krauss and Union Station the other day and was sorely dissapointed to see that they didn't write a single one of their songs. Great musicians (Krauss's vocals are stunning) but is there integrity in that?
Deliverance. I find myself skipping songs on Damnation from time to time, not totally sure why. I think they might still be growing on me. Maybe i feel that Deliverance is a bit more 'accessible' (sp?) and something i feel more at home with. If I were a long time Pink Floyd fan, then maybe I would find Damnation easier to listen to. Doesn't stop it from being one hell of an excellent album, but. :)
Damnation, definitely.

I like Deliverance... but it's too repetitive in general. Probably their weakest album.