Damnation Vs. In Absentia

Damnation Vs. In Absentia

  • In Absentia

    Votes: 52 50.0%
  • Damnation

    Votes: 52 50.0%

  • Total voters
MasterOLightning said:
IA does not flow as well. To me, Blackest Eyes and Trains are similar in style, but nothing after that sounds anything like those two songs really. I just dislike some songs (Strip the Soul, Wedding Nails). If the rest of the album fit the mood of 3, then it would have been amazing. Damnation is much more consistant. Damnation is the better album.

I totally agree, there is a unity to Damnation that In Absentia TOTALLY lacks. I'm not saying that IA is a bad album, no, it is amazing...but for a concept album it completely lacks flow. I love all the songs but they feel like they are in the wrong order or something...I dunno, Damnation has such a unity of atmosphere and emotion compared to it. I like some of the songs off In Absentia quite alot, but I feel Damnation, as an album or whole, is quite alot better. If you know what I mean. Not counting the shitty end of Closure, which fucks things up a bit.
Also...the Damnation 'bashing' in this thread really confuses me. In Absentia and Damnation are so different that a comparison is liek: 'WTF?'...I think Damnation achieves what it sets out to do much better than IA, and the way people rag it here confuses me so much. Damnation actually sounds pretty unique to me...and I listen to alot of prog. Simple, heartfelt melancholic rock unlike anything else I have heard. Nearest comparison would be Anekdoten, but I feel their atmosphere is far different (and inferior). People should learn to see the beauty in simplicity this album has that so many bands have failed, imo, to achieve. IA is much more varied and in your face, but is not as beautiful. Trains is amazing and lovely, but dammit, Hope Leaves eclipses it without a doubt.
DreamingofUr said:
Awesome comparison! It simply comes down to knowing the albums I guess. I pick Damnation because it simply has more emotion than In Absentia. I can't pick IA for many reasons. I love older PT albums a whole lot more than IA. And the whole craze about Trains is funny to people who have heard all of the PT albums. They have way better songs than that on the older albums. So hearing it on IA is not much for me. I like Heart Attack In A Lay By very much though. The album doesn't seem to flow together if you ask me. Compared to LBS and the godly Stupid Dream. Damnation wins but like someone said earlier,"older PT albums are better than Damnation." The improv by Opeth at the show was stellar! I simply can't pick IA over it anymore after seeing Mike go nuts on those songs!

I totally agree. In Absentia is no where as good as the early albums.
In Absentia, easily! Damnation doesn't sound like a complete work to me. Mike even admitted that he never really have enough time to make it what he originally intended. While there'a a few good songs on Damnation, it really is not that great an album, and I never go into it.

Meanwile, IA is quite an intense listening, especially if you take the album as a whole. It took me a few listens to get into it, but once I did, I was very impressed by it. It strangely depressing, even. Few albums have such affect on me.

And finally, I liked PT's set better then Opeth's (not counting part II of Opeth's set). I was quite taken aback by their live performance, and Steven Wilson is quite a character!

In Absentia over Damnation for me...I agree with people about IA not having a flow like Damnation does,but it's just so much better music wise.

Static what kind of a concept is In Absentia supposed to be? I find it hard to find even a theme in those songs.
TheFourthHorseman said:
In Absentia over Damnation for me...I agree with people about IA not having a flow like Damnation does,but it's just so much better music wise.

Static what kind of a concept is In Absentia supposed to be? I find it hard to find even a theme in those songs.

Its about a guy who grows up to be a serial killer, but thats about the most I've been able to get out of it...need to look at the lyrics closer I guess.

I still think Damnation > IA.