Saw this on Facebook yesterday. Some of the comments on the bands wall are fucking hilarious! Shit like "omgz, Dan's left, my soul is broken, my life is basically over" so many people overreacting!
Dan was good, though sometimes I felt his voice was a bit thin sounding. It had a cool haunting kinda sound that worked well for the band, but I wonder if it would have just become a bit boring after a few albums as his voice didn't seem to have much power to it.
And while it seems Elliot was a bit off in some notes in the video clip that's been posted everyones gotta remember he's trying to sing stuff that was originally written for someone with a different range, and it looks like he hasn't had a long time to learn the stuff. I think once he's a bit more practiced he might end up bringing a more aggressive side of the band out as his screams sound more powerful than Dan's. As does his voice in general to be honest (at least as far as I can tell from the poor quality footage that's appeared)
So yeah, interesting times. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of it.