DAN NELSON: THE BEST!!!... john who???

I am curious how this new album will turn out. For some reason, I am hoping they will do what Journey did with their last album and have a disc of re-recorded stuff from Bush, Belladonna, and Turbin stuff. That and a live DVD.
Trolling by any chance??? :Smug:


Yeah ~Brian~ that's it.

I've been a diehard Thrax fan since State of Euphoria, but I'm a troll.

Sorry, but this place has died - no one's interested in the band any more. Dan Nelson might be the best singer EVER, it doesn't matter. People are sick of the band telling them crap like "Bush was meant to sing the old songs, he's the real Anthrax singer!" (GOTE) only to find Joey back in the band, only to find Joey back out the band, to find some other guy in the band. :guh:
Yeah ~Brian~ that's it.

I've been a diehard Thrax fan since State of Euphoria, but I'm a troll.

Sorry, but this place has died - no one's interested in the band any more. Dan Nelson might be the best singer EVER, it doesn't matter. People are sick of the band telling them crap like "Bush was meant to sing the old songs, he's the real Anthrax singer!" (GOTE) only to find Joey back in the band, only to find Joey back out the band, to find some other guy in the band. :guh:

This place has been dead for years, guess it takes some people longer to figure it out...
It wasn't dead when WCFYA came out. This was a busy place back then and not just talking about 'Thrax either. People used to post about all sorts of things.
The fact no one posts any more is a clear indicator that no one gives a flying fuck any more.