Dan Swano/Edge of Sanity appreciation thread


Feb 20, 2005
I admit, it's a pretty small smattering of his discography I've heard, but I just absolutely cannot get enough of Moontower, Crimson/Crimson II, and Purgatory Afterglow. Granted, Crimson II is really more Moontower II stylistically (but I fucking LOVED all that synth nonsense, it was so epic :D), but the first Crimson and PA were from the earlier but equally awesome era. Really need to check out Nightengale as well.

My personal favorite Swano (yes I know I'm omitting the umlaut or whatever that accent is called in Swedish, but I don't wanna futz with pulling up the character map :D) song conveniently is on his (or maybe a fan's, can't tell) myspace - Uncreation. Though this is from the later era I mentioned, so if you don't like the synths a) you suck, and b) his earlier stuff doesn't have nearly as much of it :D
I like his production but not his music
bring on the HM-2 appreciation
No dammit, my thread is not gonna be derailed after the first reply :lol: And his vocals were awesome on Diabolical Masquerade's "Death Design" also, damn (the only one I've heard, and I think the only one he was involved with)
Dan Swano is freaking awesome. I absolutely love Moontower. Indeed his vocals on Death's Design are kick ass. In fact, Diabolical Masquerade is some good stuff. I want to say that Dan was involved with all of the albums, but I may be wrong.
I caught a Nightingale gig this summer in a Swedish festival. Not my thing, but it was nice to see the legend himself.

And Moontower ROCKS!
I love Nightingale, Shadowman is a fucking awesome piece, one of the finest metal songs i ever heard, i thing everything Dan touch, turns it into gold.
I love Dan. There are not many musicians out there, that can play so different music.
But he didn't do vocals on Death's Design. It was Blakkheim. :)

There are also tons of more unknown projects/bands he played in you should check out.
The Odyssey ep
Unicorn - Emotional Wasteland (where my nickname comes from) which offeres AOR/Prog Rockish music
Yeah, big fan here, ever since I bought Moontower online (basically a blind purchase after recommendation).
My favourite song on that one is Sun of the Night, with Uncreation being a close second. :)

And the synths are awesome, as is pretty much everything Nightingale.

I'm also a big fan of Dan's productions, so much that I already contacted him two years ago for mixing & mastering of my band's debut album. Too bad I still haven't finished recording it...
I love Dan. There are not many musicians out there, that can play so different music.
But he didn't do vocals on Death's Design. It was Blakkheim. :)

There are also tons of more unknown projects/bands he played in you should check out.
The Odyssey ep
Unicorn - Emotional Wasteland (where my nickname comes from) which offeres AOR/Prog Rockish music

Cool, thanks for the lowdown dude! (and to the other guys who gave recommendations/shared appreciation, though I'll take Nightmares Made Flesh personally, as it has a guitar tone I can actually listen to :D). However, Swano definitely did clean vox on Death's Design (with his "Disney Musical" voice :lol: ), and wikipedia says he was involved in Night Work, apparently on drums, backing vox, and production.
to :D). However, Swano definitely did clean vox on Death's Design (with his "Disney Musical" voice :lol: ), and wikipedia says he was involved in Night Work, apparently on drums, backing vox, and production.

Also the clean vox on Death's Design are from Blakkheim. "it can see you so don't try to hide.." that's Blakkheim. :)
And yes, Dan did some clean vocals on the albums before. Mostly it was falsetto stuff there.
Are you sure dude? I had always heard it was Dan, and more importantly it sure sounds like it to me! (the big giveaways are his accent and his slight lisp :lol: )
Are you sure dude? I had always heard it was Dan, and more importantly it sure sounds like it to me! (the big giveaways are his accent and his slight lisp :lol: )

Might be his production. Dan doesn't lisp, I think he sometimes went crazy with the de-esser haha
Its Blakkheim!! And yes, Blakkie also has a nice disney voice ;)
Oh man, I dunno dude, there's so much lisping on the original Crimson ("Da thircle ith thtill unbroken" :lol: ) I love his voice, but it still makes me chuckle! :D (and of course it improved over the years)

And yes, those posts make a pretty strong argument - I stand corrected! :)
Haha, and just saw Blakkheim's response in that second thread - understandable, but what a dick haha ("maybe i can ask u also something else thats been bugging me... am i adopted and who's my real parents? yeah i want both names please. i hope u dont charge. ok thanx in advance man." :lol: ) Looks like I'm not the only one who thought Swano did the clean vox on that album though, I wonder where/how that whole rumor started...
I love Swano's work, it's pretty funny to me how people talk about how original Opeth sounds when it is so obvious that Akerfeldt was greatly influenced by him on Orchid and Morningrise. I know it's only natural, as Swano engineered and produced those albums, but damn I wish Swano would get some credit.