What Edge of Sanity / Dan Swanö shit is essential?

Yeah, you're in for a treat with "I" J., it's my favorite Nightingale - it also has a very large booklet with the lyrics from the first three albums in it. "Alonely" and a few other songs that escape right now are just superb.

Crimson II is a decent album, pretty great when it's on, but the keyboards intrude a bit too much at times and it's irksome in parts.

Other than that, I only have Unorthodox and Crimson. I've heard Nothing But Death Remains, The Spectral Sorrows, and Purgatory Afterglow, and I remember liking them enough to want to buy them, but I haven't...I still need to buy the Pan.Thy.Monium stuff. The first Ribspreader was good, Demiurg is good. Bloodbath was good. I'm interested in hearing the Darkcide/Infestdead split. Maceration was okay. Steel was humorous.

Yeah, I lean toward the Death Metal side.
Never were my thing, but I did enjoy Closing Chronicles and I.

White Darkness was not bad if you like that sickly sweet buttrock with Swano's seducing croon
If you're looking for the good Swano shit, just go with EoS, Pan Thy Monium and Odyssey.

I guess the first Bloodbath EP is cool. Some people like Witherscape. Couldn't get into it.
If you're into the non metal swano--unicorn is a must--recently remastered-

Also hopefully swano finishes second sky before he turns 75 years old.