Dan Swano leaves Bloodbath


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002

Dan Swanö is no longer part of Bloodbath. The reason being restrictions on his behalf to devote more time and effort to the future of this project that it would require by taking things to the next level i.e. touring and playing live. Moreover, his future vision for Bloodbath's concept proved to head in the almost opposite direction as his desire for death metal was to be of a less brutal kind, something the remaining members regard as musical differences not interesting to pursue, so at these crossroads, we'd like to wish Dan Swanö good luck with his future endeavors and with the music that's closer to his heart.

The audition for Bloodbath is closed. We thank everyone who tried out, but it's with dashing hopes we have to announce there's no suitable replacement that matched our expectations. It was surprising, how so many applications could barely be listened to because of the extreme low quality in talent. We found it shocking to say the least, that same applicants would send us emails claiming they "killed" both of our previous singers, but all they could achieve at the end of the day was our laughs or sighs. Well, one day we can maybe throw together a little compilation of those efforts and put up an exclusive mp3 right here and you'll be the judge, or have a good laugh or sigh, like us! But this doesn't mean all the applications were bad, actually a couple of them were damn fu**ing good, but criteria's on other levels failed. Life goes on and so does death!

Pfffft haha.
Wacken will soon release their annual DVD, but despite what was previously implied, the song 'Eaten' will not be featured on the 2005 edition. The entire footage of the show remains archived until there's been clearances by all parties, a subject to time.

Stay tuned for more news on the development of Bloodbath and the future.
about time, at the current rate they were going... well..... no point really, any worse than shit is still shit.
"It was surprising, how so many applications could barely be listened to because of the extreme low quality in talent."
I found that real funny by the way.
A third Boodbath on these conditions

a) Mike sings
b) Beer is present in the studio at all times
c) It is written and recorded in one week

Bloodbath that takes itself too seriously (Nightmares) is not Bloodbath. You can almost hear them laughing while listening to Resurrection. Or maybe it's just me.

Cephalopod said:

Bloodbath was/is great, but the "extreme low quality in talent" comment seems a bit egotistical.

That's true. He said some of the people were good, but I doubt the people who auditioned would think they were one of the good ones. Maybe they do suck, and I'm sure they did since it was probably some As I Lay Crying fans who wanted an easy way to join a band, but they didn't need to hear it from some musicians that some of them may respect. Especially when it's posted on Blabbermouth.
Swano was taken by surprise by the whole situation and commented that he had some brutal ideas for the next bloodbath album. Bloodbath said he was not devoting enough time to the band and putting too much effort in his other projects. He knew nothing and simply went to check his email and found out the news.
bloodpeth_1 said:
Swano was taken by surprise by the whole situation and commented that he had some brutal ideas for the next bloodbath album. Bloodbath said he was not devoting enough time to the band and putting too much effort in his other projects. He knew nothing and simply went to check his email and found out the news.

From Dan himself, originally posted at the Swano forum:

Me out of Bloodbath


Hello beloved devotees!!!

Here is the post I made on the Bloodbath.biz

explains it all...

Hi there!!

I figured there would be a lot of questions
circulating about "me out of Bloodbath" so
I just would like to make a few comments
before the rumours kicks in.
I recieved an email from Blakkheim today
where I saw that my services as a member of
Bloodbath was no longer required.
I Must admit I didn´t see that one coming!!
But... can totally see what the other guys
are thinking about.
(Tried to do the same to the E.O.S. guys in 97
.......but that one backfired pretty badly..ha, ha!!)
Blakkheim and Jonas are touring musicians,
living off their metal and I would just be
"in their way" with the constant
"Sorry I can´t go on tour because bla bla bla", that´s cool..
Concerning the musical differences, I am a bit confused.
As far as I can remember,
I haven´t even discussed the direction of my
future Bloodbath tracks.
The announcement say that I tried to get
Bloodbath in a Moontower/Crimson direction...that is not right...
I have toyed with the idea to make a new album,
using my own name, and revisit the
style of those albums...oh yes...
what is a bit funny is that I actually wanted
to write a bit more brutal songs for
Bloodbath the next time.
I got inspired by working with the Coldworker
album and the urge to write some complex,
fast fucken brutal death came creeping back.
(I have not always written TRL-Death Metal u know..
Infestdead and some of the early E.O.S.
material is kind of brutal, isn´t it???)
Anyway. I just wanted to clearify
that I was NOT trying to pussify Bloodbath
and therefore got kicked out...
where this rumour came from and how the guys
(without asking) just decided that I was on a
different level musically..remains a mystery.
I wish the guys all the best and hope they ask
nice if they can play my songs live for you

Dan Swanö