Danny's guitar sound

Jun 19, 2003
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It sounds like late summer evenings, when it's still warm but you feel just a hint of autumn on the breeze.
His swells are instantly recognisable.

People always trot out the tired Floyd/RHead comparisons, but they actually sound like the Eagles. At least on 'Flying', with its warm yet mellow/foreboding vibe, it reminds me a lot of the Eagles' early laid-back sinister sound.
It is good to be inspired by other guitar sounds from other groups, especially if those groups are real good like Pink Floyd or Radiohead, and it's bad to just steal everything. BUt I think Anathema had never done that, they are inspired, and their sounds are unique to themselves. I think there is only one song that has ever made me think, "Now that is Pink Floyd!", it was the last bonus song in the Temporary Peace (Marilyn Manson tripped over because he wore high heels?!) :p

I made a Floydian friend of mine listen to it, and he had said this is Pink Floyd in ten seconds.