Dream Theater new album review.

Wyvern said:
The point is we are fans of rock/metal, we are not psychotic consumers. If an album/band doesn't do for you, just skip it. We play allegiance to no one, but ourselves (and our wallet :grin: ).

I'm in fact sick of the mindless fans who *must* like the album by their fav band. I know a few DT freaks who didn't like it at the first few listens, but were persistent and after 20 or so listens they are "totally into it"... Whatever, there's too much good music around for me to waste time on another average release (at least at first few listens) like this one. :grin:
SickBoy said:
I'm in fact sick of the mindless fans who *must* like the album by their fav band. I know a few DT freaks who didn't like it at the first few listens, but were persistent and after 20 or so listens they are "totally into it"... Whatever, there's too much good music around for me to waste time on another average release (at least at first few listens) like this one. :grin:

That was my point. I know fans of every band that act like that. Total nonsense IMO :err:
Wheezer said:
TOT is the only one of theirs that I play with any regularity. I guess my ears are wired a little differently. :) It seems that it's a pretty polarizing release for them. The hard core DT fans didn't care for it a whole lot. Casual DT fans embraced it.

Hey!!! I'm a Casual DT fan!! maybe I should go get TOT!!! I will prolly like that one!!!:grin: