Dark City


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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Having missed this one at the cinemas, I was really looking forward to its TV premiere last night. I programmed the video with plenty of time to spare at either end, but it didn't start until more than 15 minutes after the advertised time and my tape switched off before the end :mad:.The same thing happened a few months ago (when Interview With The Vampire was on a Saturday night) and I've had more than enough.

Why must everything be sacrificed for the sake of sport, in this case swimming? They wouldn't dare to pull this trick if it was some stupid reality show or the first episode of yet another cringeworthy Oztraaayan drama (gag!), but since it's a sci-fi or horror film, it doesn't matter.

I rang the switchboard to have a bit of a grumble, and they assured me that such anti-genre bias wasn't the case at all. Ive seen proof of it time and time again and I choose to believe otherwise. Not happy Channel 9!

Rule number one when taping shows off the TV - NEVER SET THE TIMER FOR IT. Just hit record and hope you have longplay. And if you don't have longplay, get a video that has it :)

I'm not going to stay up for the late start of the NRL Footy Show tonight (it's due to start at 9:50pm) because I know it will be late. Silly swimming!
Originally posted by Wrathchild
Why must everything be sacrificed for the sake of sport, in this case swimming?
I hear ya! Sometimes Australia can really get on my nerves. Why must sport (particularly AFL) and shows like Big Brother get priority over everything!? You pick up a newspaper nowadays and half of it is football related articles. Good television viewing ALWAYS gets bumped for sport...its fucked.

...and really liked 'Dark City'...