Dark electronic forest music??

Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
If you guys are bored, I'd appreciate some input on my new project, called Moonglow. It's kind of a metal influenced electronic project, though at the moment I am really new to the whole thing, so am far from perfection!! It's kind of an experiment in technology I guess.

You can copy and paste this into your browser, and the download will begin:


Thanks, all comments, good or bad are welcome!


Oh, I just decided to upload an old tune from an old band (but re-recorded), it's blackened death metal. And it's short, like the first tune, not a big download at all. You can check it out as well if you wish (though I am more interested in comments on the first!)

Not too bad, I can see potential for it. The opening part, with the keyboard thing (up until about 1:04) is quite cool for setting up an atmosphere. I'd keep that going alot longer (adding a little stuff to it as it progresses). The occassional stop-start thing annoyed me at first, but it's grown on me, now I think it's quite effective (it's on continual loop as I type this, heard it about 10 times now. Yes, I am bored:) ). Wait a bit longer to bring the high flute-thing (?). Also, would be good to move this (the high-flute(? again) thing down in the mix after a while and let the mid-pitched flute-thing (? yet again) develop more.

What would really set it off though, is towards the end, bring in this metal guitar. Just playing a chord once, then holding it, then another chord, kinda mid-way in the mix. But then, I need guitars in all my music, so you should ignore this :lol:

Now I'm getting this Ulver- Kveldsanger (sp!) vibe, very cool, kinda like that album combined with tech. Heh, I can see the 'forest' part coming through :heh:

Damn, I really need to turn it off, it's still playing. I'm gonna be hearing it all night now.........

Ahhhhh, it's started again........

Great shit man , i've been waiting quite a while to hear burning done in better quality ,, i like this new thing your doing man ,, i'm quite pleased,,,,,
"What would really set it off though, is towards the end, bring in this metal guitar. Just playing a chord once, then holding it, then another chord, kinda mid-way in the mix. But then, I need guitars in all my music, so you should ignore this "

i agree!!!

I can definately see the some of the influences in this new song man ,,

upload A new Vison to that site!!
Thanks for the comments, I know there is still along way to go, I am not at all used to this style of creating music or mixing. I'll try to figure out the volume thing to bring some parts lower in the mix at certain times, but as far as I can tell, it's going to be difficult to just bring down certain sections....Though that's why it's a learning process! Some guitars are pretty much guaranteed to be added later. I plan on eventually creating a bunch of songs like this, (but longer, better mixed, etc....) as a part of learning to do this. Each song will be based on a made up character who lives in the forest.

Oh, and I used Modplug Tracker to create this. The only keyboard I have is my computer keyboard (which I used to play and record the stuff). Hell, I'm not wasting any money on a Musical Keyboard when my Computer one can trigger the notes for me! :loco:

Thanks for being bored:lol:

(Oh yeah, WarsofWinter, I still gotta add vox and bass ANV to finish it up...)