your favorite non-sad, non-dark beautiful songs


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
so what are they? i'm looking to check out some new stuff... i've heard a lot of gloom lately, don't want much more of that, so i am looking for something that really makes you wanna cry.. but from hapiness hehe so let me hear some of your personal favorites... i'm not looking for a song like this on any particular style, if it's a kind of doom metal song or a jazz tune or a classical song.. watever i'm only looking for something that conveys the emotion i am talking about thanx in advance

here's some of mine anyway...

Sigur Ros - ( ) Track 4
Rik Emmett - Secret Wishes
Porcupine Tree - Collapse Light Into Earth
Gordian Knot - Grace
Opeth - Epilogue
That's a highly specific (and fairly rare) type of music your looking for there.......

Ummmm, Sarah McLachlan - Fear (Or is it Fumbling Towards Ecstasy... I can never remember)

Delerium - Innocente
Delerium - Heavens Earth
Delerium - Flowers Become Screens
Delerium - Silence

Most Dave Matthews Band Stuff (But YOU recommended that! :p )

*scratches head*

Meh, more'll come to me in time.
non-sad, non-dark beautiful songs = happy songs, I guess? heh :)

ok here goes:

Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
Sigur Ros - Viðar Vel Til Loftárása
Kent - Ingenting Någonting
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - The first 20 minutes on the first song on "Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antenna To Heaven!"
Further Seems Forever - Snowbirds and Townies
My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep
Smashing Pumpkins - Today
There are no non dark non sad beautiful songs... period.
Check out Sade - Jezebel (live)... or a portuguese band called Dwelling... hmm Aaron Lewis covering Black from Pearl Jam... and Pearl Jam covering Little Wing from Hendrix. Oh and Ill Nino - With you
Lifehouse - Breathing
umm... Blink-182 - Happy Holidays, You Bastard

Offspring - One Fine Day

Ahh! I have no fucking clue! I dont listen to happy music! :p
am i the only one here who finds ALL good music to be 'non-sad' and 'non-dark?' whateva... i suppose the last Don Caballero album would be happy sounding to you. tracklist:
1. fire back about your new baby's sex
2. the peter criss jazz
3. haven't lived afro pop
4. you drink a lot of coffee for a teenager
5. ones all over the place
6. i never liked you
7. details on how to get ICEMAN on your license plate
8. a lot of people tell me i have a fake british accent
9. let's face it pal, you didn't need that eye surgery

and of course, anything by Frank Zappa. you have over 60 albums to choose from, covering just about every genre you can imagine. also, being that FZ would only allow the most skilled musicians on the planet to play in his bands, you'll have lots of satisfaction for the musician in you. frank makes dream theater look like kids banging on pots in their parents kitchen (+his music doesn't suck:)).

also check out Afro Celt Sound System. even if you're not into world music, you'll still like this. it's a fusion of african and celtic music into an electronic/rock framework. it's absolutely stunning music. i'd suggest starting with Volume Three: Further in Time.

this is all for now, for now i must drive to wetaskwin to abduct an unsuspecting friend. any excuse for a roadtrip is a good excuse. . .
wouldn't Sigur Rós be the depressing sort? i mean.. their songs are sad.. at least the ones that actually have lyrics :p

hmm, the only one i can think of is "Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road". i just love that song, it´s so.. happy :)
That "Dream a little dream of me" song is jolly as well.
there used to be a band called Grýlurnar which had a song called Sísí which is nice.. don´t know how you could get that though.. i think i have it on mp3 if you´d want.
hmmm.. and "Otis Redding - Sitting on the dock of the bay" and "Otis Redding - Try a little tenderness". "Procol Harum - A whiter shade of pale". A song off the playstation game Silent Hill called "True".

you know, you should dig up some "golden oldie" songs. You could also try to find such a radio station. they've got plenty of non-sad, non-dark songs.. ok, they're not all exactly "beautiful" but some are.
there used to be a radio station here that played nothing but golden oldies.. but it is long since gone *sigh*
the first song that came to mind:
Dream Theater - Learning To Live

it's not really sad, even though the situation it describes is kinda sad, what the song says is that its all part of life (or something) so its not really a sad song, and its definitely not dark.
some Pink Floyd maybe? but I consider them to be pretty "dark" in their own way.. the cynical lyrics and all.