Favorite non-dark non-sad beautiful songs?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
so what are they? i'm looking to check out some new stuff... i've heard a lot of gloom lately, don't want much more of that, so i am looking for something that really makes you wanna cry.. but from hapiness hehe so let me hear some of your personal favorites... i'm not looking for a song like this on any particular style, if it's a kind of doom metal song or a jazz tune or a classical song.. watever i'm only looking for something that conveys the emotion i am talking about thanx in advance

here's some of mine anyway...

Sigur Ros - ( ) Track 4
Rik Emmett - Secret Wishes
Porcupine Tree - Collapse Light Into Earth
Gordian Knot - Grace
Opeth - Epilogue
Lawnmower Deth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How you like titles from
album: "Ooh Crikey... It's Lawnmower Deth" (1990):

Spook Pery Happenings In The Snooker Hall
Betty Ford's Clinic
Weebles Wobble But They Don't Fall Down
Lancer With Your Zancer
Can I Cultivate Your Groinal Garden?
Flying Killer Cobs From The Planet Bob
Did You Spill My Pint?
Seventh Church Of The Apocalyptic Lawnmower (Skank Mix)
Rad Dude
Sumo Rabbit And His Inescapable Trap Of Doom
Maim Mower, Maim
Cobwoman Of Deth Meets Mr. Smellymop
Got No Legs? Don't Come Crawling To Me
Icky Ficky
Judgement Day (Assume The Position)
Ooh Crikey
Satan's Trampoline
Dodo Doe
Duck Off
F.A.T. (Facist And Tubby)
Punk As Fuck
Sharp Fucka Blades Of Hades

or from:
"Return Of The Fabulous Metal Bozo Clowns" (1992):

The Return Of The Fabulous Metal Bozo Clowns
Jaggered Wedge
Bad Toad
Drunk In Charge Of An Ugly Face
Paranoid Polaroid
Frash For Cash
Crazy Horses
Enter Mr. Formica (Icky Ficky Pt. II)
Lawnmowers For Heroes, Comics For Zeros
Urban Surfer 125
A Is For Asswipe
Sorrow (So Dark, So Scared)
Goldfish Podge
R.F. Potts
Wormy Eyes
Be Scene, Not Heard
Egg Sandwich
Anyone For Tinnies
King Of The Pharaohs
Illinois Enema Bandit
Fookin' Moo Vit

As band split up, as record company split up.... You can download a lot of their shit from here:
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
You're asking people on the Katatonia forum for happy songs??

Are you feeling ok?


hehehe... well.... i don't necessarily mean happy... it's hard to explain. Temporary Peace by Anathema is another song that fits the style i mean. It's weird.... like it's almost sad, but it's not really... haha i can't explain it really. Anyway thanx for the recs so far, have to check them out...
Originally posted by ColdDarkNord
As band split up, as record company split up.... You can download a lot of their shit from here:
http://www.shipley.ac.uk/north/deth/ [/B]

Lawnmower Deth were on Earache records, who are still going very strong. You can buy their second and third records for low prices from earache.com.. fun band, even if they did go pop-punk on the last record ("Billy").

Alas the classic "Ooh Crikey..." is only available on vinyl now.
think, I know what you mean;

Amorphis - Am Universum is an album that has a lot of nice songs, emotional, but not necessarily sad.
I also recommend "Porcupine Tree", but they have nothing to do with metal.
There's actually a lot of music, that excites emotions. Pain of salvation for example. But they're most of the time sad...check out "The flower kings: Stardust we are". Their music is very emotional, they're painting pictures of every colour. Their music descibes a meadow full of flowers as well as an upcoming storm, but most of the time, they're not explicitely sad. Another great swedish progressive rock band ist "Anekdoten". But they're very sad, they drowning in sorrow...

By the way: Do you think that Katatonia are really so sad??? I like listening them, but I never came to some kind of dark mood by listening to their music. So far. Opposite, after Anekdotens "Vemod" i feel somehow...drowned...
Originally posted by salisbury
Another great swedish progressive rock band ist "Anekdoten".

Thanks for this recommendation, just listened to a few mp3s, sounds very good :)

By the way: Do you think that Katatonia are really so sad??? I like listening them, but I never came to some kind of dark mood by listening to their music. So far.

They're not sad, the music has just this depressive touch or let's say hopelessness like on Discouraged ones for example which makes you feel like there's no way out, you get the point :)
I think the style you're searching for is some rather melancholic music style ("Melancholy is the happiness to be sad":D ).
I'm really into this style of music, almost give up metal to it actually.
So here are some of my favourite non-metal musical bands:Mogwai, Arab STrap, Aereogramme, Godspeed you black emperor, slowdive, The Cure, Nick Drake, Steve von Till
Scotland has very good bands in that mood
I also can recommend Nick Drake! Most songs are just voice and acoustic guitar. Sometimes he has a scarse instrumentation. It's very nice!

If you like Porcupine Tree: Check out the band "Sylvan" from Hamburg, Germany. I just got their new album and it's great. It can compete with "In absentia", but they are no PT-clones. Great vocalist! Great band!

Also the old progressive rock dinosaur "Marillion" is still active and they still make good, "non-sad, non-dark beautiful songs". Their latest work is "Anoraknophobia" (what a shitty album title...) and it's really worth listening.
Nevermore - the Sorrowed Man. I think there is heaps of Nevermore shit that fits your bill but try that one first. It is extremely sad but really optimistic at the same time.... its kind of about how we all die and some don't want to... as far as i can tell.