Yep, Jens is still very much a part of Dark Empire. And yes, there are more growls, all but one of the songs I've written so far have growls in them. The interplay between growl/clean is a bit stronger now too, with some lines being sung by both simultaneously, etc. We're not sure how we'll divide them up just yet, although it will probably be like last time where he did the shorter parts and I'll do the longer ones (I guess he doesn't want to put too much strain on his voice).
I really can't wait for people to hear the stuff. I can certainly say I'm not rehashing Distant Tides, theres a definite evolution in sound to the point of us settling into our own voice much more. To compare it to DT, overall there are more thrash elements, more progressive elements, and less power/neoclassical elements. There won't be any instrumentals on this one, but the solo sections in some songs will make up for that